Since PMing is disabled....

For everybody who’d like to rant about how badly Best Buy sucks…go here:


Private messaging. I tried to PM somebody and it said had been disabled by the admin.


What does PM have to do with Best Buy?

And Best Buy ROCKS BTW.

Spit, I’m curious. Why do you think Best Buy rocks?

You were going to send a private message to every single person who ranted against Best Buy?? Sheesh, I’m glad they disabled that. It helps keep people from being spammed.

Someone ranted against Best Buy? Whatever for?

JuanitaTech- Well, because they always have cool gadgets, and they let me play for hours on end with them.

Do they let you play with the cool gadgets too?

Yeah, those too…But the cute sales girls always get most of my time.

I’m funny…:o