Yes, another poll. But this comment from the other thread sort of got me thinking:
Really? So I had to ask. Your female friend, of reasonable attractivness, asks you to sleep with her. Same as in the other thread, she just walks up to you one day and asks you, would you do it?
(I’m not sure how to make a poll, bear with me while I get it wrong and then fix it.)
Are you kidding? Sex with friends is one of life’s best joys. You generally like the person, you’re attracted to them, and you don’t owe them anything afterward. What’s not to like?
Well, a couple of them are mentally unstable so I would have to turn them down and a couple of them are horribly ugly so my quality of performance might suffer enough that it wouldn’t be worth the shit I get for it but the other 80% my pants would be off before the offer was completed.
Answering as if I were still single: What a dumb question. What’s not to like? In fact, if she were at least up to minimum standards of attractiveness (all-round, not just looks), chances are I’d have mentally tried her out before she ever asked.
I’m having a very very hard time trying to think of a single female friend of mine i would not sleep with at the drop of a hat. I thought i had one but then i remembered i actually HAD slept with her.
Absolutely. I have few female friends, but the line is so blurry between deep friendship and meek love that I’m never sure on which side I’m treading with each of them. We certainly mock-flirt and joke about having sex all the time.
So if they were asking for it for realz, and I didn’t think they are being self-destructive in asking for it, or trying to sabotage their relationship, and lots of other “if…not” moral checks, yeah, certainly. I implicitly trust my friends (for better or worse), and I can totally grok comfort sex.
Of course, and all women should understand this; after all isn’t the start of ANY relationship “friendship?”
Friendship, to me, means having understanding and trust, and being comfortable with that person. Friendship means communication.
I have slept with a number of my female friends, wasn’t always perfect sex, but I never kicked them outta the sack.
I have had some say “Hey, I really feel bad about the other night…” and I’d say, “Why? You’re a great girl. So what, we did it, we’re adults, and we can still laugh and talk like we used to do.”
I have felt bad on some occasions, that it happened because we were too likkered-up, but then again, she/they were my friend(s) and it is better they make stuipid mistakes with ME- their bud, than with a stranger.
Sometimes sex happens because we are lonley. Whom better than a friend? Whom will understand better than a friend?
Very happily married here. Really, honestly dig my wife.
However. Pre-married toofs woulda rolled around naked with almost every female friend I had. And coworkers, neighbors, teachers, etc. On a few occasions, usually involving a party and alcohol, we did.
Shit yeah. Single and horny with cool, attractive, fun female friends. I’m amazed this is even a poll.