Six upper, four dual

No doubt the thread annoys, but that wasn’t the purpose. I’m afraid it’s the product of isolation and herbal supplements. You can nuke it if you want.

I hate you for thinking of this first

This wouldn’t be a bad idea for a thread game: pick a random phrase, and let people come up with appropriate humorous definitions.

Nope, that’s not even close. Keep guessing, everyone!

What is a pizzazz rotating pizza oven? And why does a pizza maker come with instructions on how to make cookies with it? That’s like buying a coffee maker and using it to rebuild your transmission.

I’m thinking it was “14 k of g in a fpd”? Or close to that. Now I have to look…

ETA:. Easier to find than I thought…

I was led astray. I couldn’t remember the exact term and I thought it was something like 14k in a fg. So I searched the board for that term and I found a post with the term 14k in a fgd. I assumed that was the correct term I couldn’t remember. But it appears that was just somebody else’s poor recollection of it.