Now then, the love of my life has always had a slight problem with snoring. It has never been a huge problem, unless he was drunk (which was pretty rare). But now, the butter of my muffin has developed a phenomenal, reverberating nocturnal roar that shakes the very bed.
I have even had to move out in to the couch, which in my small bachelor apartment helped not at all. I got him to roll over, took his pillow away and lowered the temperature in the apartment (he says it happens more when he it hot) until I could see my breath, all to no avail. Please help, I am going to be moving in with him in a month and a half and can’t imagine sleeping for the rest of my life with earplugs! Any and all advice, suggestions, old wife’s tales, whatever you have, is more than welcome!
I snore so badly I sometimes snore while still awake.
My SO forces me to wear my orthodontic retainers when sleeping. That apparently silences me. I don’t know why - perhaps I hold my tongue differently when they are in place. You might try a mouthpiece for your lovey-dove.
Also, have you looked into that thing they advertise on T.V. that you tape on your nose? Supposedly it holds your nasal passages open.
I’m going on the presumption that killing him in his sleep isn’t an option. How does he sleep? On his back? If so, try having him sleep on his side or stomach.
This would probably go under the “old wive’s tales” category. Many a year ago there were advertisements for home remedy books on television. It included stuff like putting your ear in oatmeal to cure the hiccups.
Anyway, I never got them, but I do remember something from the commercial about stopping your SO’s snoring. In the commercial, the lady nudged her husband in the side. The husband then sort of…rolled over, changed positions, and stopped snoring.
Now, I have no idea if this works, but I suppose it’s worth a shot. Though if you’re getting frustrated with his snoring, just make sure that the nudge doesn’t turn into a rib-shattering elbow.
I forgot to mention that rolling him over on his side usually helps, like Superdude and silent_rob suggested. My girlfriend always threatens to sew a tennis ball to the back of my PJs so I can’t sleep on my back. 'course, if y’all sleep nekkid…
Short term solutions to try: Breathe Right Strips, properly humidified air, different sleeping positions.
Long term outlook. Get him to go to a doctor about this and hopefully get a sleep study done now snoring changing for the worse is a possible indicator of lots of yucky physical stuff, getting that checked on should be a definite priority.
Did he feel well rested in the morning? Did you notice him stopping breathing at any point? (seeming to remember a relationship between snoring and sleep apnea??)
Nudging him used to do the trick. (At first it was, “Look fathead, roll the f*** over!” followed by kicking. I have learned, “Honey, roll over, I want to cuddle you.” or “Sweetheart, roll over, you are snoring again.” works better. The first way made him argumentative.)
On Saturday however, it didn’t matter, on his back, on his stomach, on his side, pillow, no pillow, upside down, under water, it didn’t matter, regardless of how he was laying, he SNORED, BIG TIME! He was very apologetic when I moved to the futon and I restrained myself from smothering him because I know he doesn’t do it on purpose but GOOD LORD it was LOUD! (“I’ll sleep on the couch, honey.” Yeah, right, he at 6’2” is really going to FIT on my couch)
I have read weight loss helps, has anyone tried that?? Does it work?
I forgot. He was wearing a breathe-right on Saturday.
I think dublos is right about seeing a doc. I knew a guy who used to snore outrageously too. The docs tried everything, to no avail. It finally got to the point where they lopped off his uvula. Worked like a charm. Hopefully you’re not over-attached to his.
This works, but you have to be sneaky and gentle at the same time. Gently pinch his nostrils shut. Not hard, or even hard enough for him to feel it and wake up. Hold for a second – not enough to smother him, since you’ve decided to keep him. Then let go. Usually interrupts a snorer’s breathing long enough for them to shift, roll over, take a deep breath, something to break the snoring cycle.
Of course, you have to stay up all night and repeat every two hours or so!
Why do hearing people not wake themselves up with such loud snoring?
As I understand it, your subconcious tells you what sounds require your waking attention, and what sounds to sleep through. Else a person living in an urban environment would never get any sleep.
My SO had significant issues with snoring (hers not mine, well actually both but I’m less adaptable). When she lost a lot of weight after her first pregnancy I almost never hear it any longer. So weight loss can help significantly.
Have his doctor recommend a sleep study.(they will hook him up with electrodes and monitor his sleep to find out what is actually going on). A CPAP(continuous positive air pressure) mask or a mouthpiece may be prescribed.
LOL! That’s what seven years of marriage will do. I started out with the, “Sweetie-pie, roll over, please” and have now progressed to, “Roll your fat ass over, shithead, you’re snoring again!”
Yes, the Breathe-Right strips work, if you can get him to wear them. My hubby doesn’t like them.
Rolling over helps, as does keeping the room a bit cooler than normal. He should lose weight, too, but I’m not going to nag about that.
He won’t see a doctor, but I swear I will lop off his uvula myself if he doesn’t get help.
I have put the strips on him while he sleeps.
Sudden changes in breathing patterns are always, always of concern. This is not just your sleep, my dear Poysyn, this is your husband’s health. Get him to a doctor. Now. Not later. Now. Really.
A common problem that causes snoring is sleep apnea, or cessation of breathing while sleeping. This causes the soft palate to relax, so that when breathing resumes with a huge inhalation, the snore can be truly awesome. I am not saying this is the cause of the snoring, but a sudden onset of sleep apnea is a real problem that can be serious.
Get a tape recording of the snoring — not just the snore itself, but the breathing around the snore. Then go to a doctor.
Of course, I am assuming here that there is a real change. If this came on over a long period, it may just be alergies, or a changed sleeping position, or something harmless. It may be that anyway. But a sudden change in breathing patterns with nothing obvious to set it off really, really is something you should see a doctor about.
Every night Mrs. Kunilou and I race to get to sleep, in hopes that the other’s snoring won’t wake us up.
Here’s what I do.
Gently tickle the lips (if the mouth is parted open) under the nose or under the chin. Your sweetie will twitch, and in twitching reposition his mouth and throat, which can stop the snoring for a few minutes.
Mrs. O was a champion snorer for many a year. Turned out she had a severely deviated septum - so much so that one nostril was pretty much closed off. She went in and had it fixed, as well as having her sinuses completely scraped clean (the occlusion apparently made her more prone to infection) and the volume, to my great relief, was much reduced.
As of late she’s snoring again, but nowhere near as loudly or as violently; in any case the visit to the otolaryngologist was well worth it. The “butter of your muffin” (why does that sound like a thinly veiled euphemism? ;)) would do well to see one himself.
"But sometime after Midnight the Elephant goes…
…and whoever had been sleeping, isn’t sleeping anymore."
That’s for the Sandra Boynton fans among you.Those of you who are parents will understand.
As one who often stays up late, I can certify that my wife, my daughter, and our cats all snore. I have to take their word for it that I snore, and do so worse than the rest of them put together.
I have tried various types of “Breathe-Right” strips. These seem to work, although not perfectly. Mrs. Cal has perfected a technique in which she punches me in the arm until I roll on my side. This usually stops the snoring, although I have been told that in extraordinary circumstances I will continue to snore on my side. Since rolling onto the side does seem to help, you might want to consider the “Tennis Ball in the Pocket Sewn in the Back of the Nightshirt” approach. Unless you sleep in the nude.
My mother and father have to sleep in separate beds even though they can’t hear each other because my dad snores so damn loud the bed vibrates!