What is the airport security guy looking at inside of the woman in Slug’s drawing this week?
I’m not sure, but I feel dirty just looking at it.
Seriously, it looks like two cartoonish spherical bombs, one cartoonish cylindrical bomb (the kind that might be dropped from an airplane), and the drum and butt of a Tommy gun.
That is what I saw too, once I embiggened the screen size and looked more carefully. At first, it is kinda ‘suggestive’ - no doubt at all :eek:
That thing hanging down between her legs is particularly disturbing… whatever it is. I’m hoping it’s not something she’s smuggling up her woo-woo.
It’s ART people. Slug’s greatness can not be quantified, merely admired.
The things she’s doing are making you feel…dirty? Unclean? That’s his genius.
Is it a woman? Or is it a man wearing a dress so that the spherical bombs won’t look so suspicious?
In the interests of science, it’s a “hoo-hah” not a “woo woo.”
Slug? Be suggestive? Heck, he’s not usually “suggestive,” he’s usually overt.
I believe Slug was trying to arrange things to cover up her private parts in the picture.
I like how her head is reduced to a stump with hair and glasses.
Slug can be a gentleman too. He drew a nice picture of me and Fierra recently.
Do share!
Yeah, but what things? He could have drawn something recognizable, no?
It’s here - I’m the one in the rain: Can storm glasses predict the weather? - The Straight Dope
I have the 3,000-some pixel master version the paper uses which I’ve printed out and framed.
Considering a certain incident that happened on the board (which involved Czarcasm and some other dude), this made me chuckle.
It’s a Tommy Gun, a finned bomb and two of those "mad anarchist’ bombs-with-a-fuse, I agree.
I thought it was a man.
Maybe he couldn’t. Maybe he just didn’t want to. The ways of the Slug are not for mortal men to question.
In my ER one of our doctors likes to use the phrase hoo hoo, as in ‘tell the nurse that pt x will need to be set up for a hoo hoo exam.’
Just sayin’
Awww, you so cute!