Over in Great Debates, I started a thread called “Prayer in School?”, in which I proposed two things: 1) The posting of Commandments 4-10 (of the “modern” version), and 2) A moment of silence before school. In the OP I stated that I may or may not actually believe in this, but I would like to discuss it. So this guy slythe comes along, and immediately starts taking shots at my religion, and making crazy assumptions about me, based on the fact that I am a Christian. You can check out the entire thread here:
But I’ll save you all some time by posting some of his greatest hits:
“As far as the Christian majority goes, if you can truthfully tell me that you believe that all those people in your majority are going to Heaven, I’ll be surprised. Believe me, alot of people in those other sects don’t believe that you are going anywhere but Hell because you don’t worship as they do.”
(This was the first mention of Heaven or Hell, or any related subject, on the thread)
“Yes, if we indoctrinate our children from an early age in home and school when it comes to prayer and the Ten Commandandments they might come out with a “proper” attitude, if “proper” means “Believing as Rousseau believes”.”
“I do like his idea that to be moral, one must be Christian. I wonder if he has any idea whatsoever that other religions have their own moral codes that are just as good as his Ten Commandments.”
(That’s one of my favorites)
“Is your belief so shakey that it can only be maintained through constant re-enforcement? That is the only reason I can come up with for your wanting to have your religion dominate all aspects of your, and our life.”
(This is about when I said that I wanted to "punch him in the fucking nose. That was a mistake, and I admitted it)
“You might possibly earn respect by showing respect, or at the very least acknowledgement of another’s opinions, but it doesn’t come automatically just because your belief system is currently the most popular.”
(I like that one because it’s so deliciously hypocritical)
“How insecure are you in your faith?”
“In these days of “different opinion = wrong opinion = wrong person = evil person”, it has become increasingly hard for atheists such as myself to hang onto civil rights others take for granted.”
“Second, your religion, as a whole and in it’s official capacity, has been attacking others for centuries. Because I refuse to play Dungeons and Dragons(The Jesus Edition) with you, you feel justified in personal attacks and belittlement. I don’t care what you believe, how you believe, or who believes with you.”
(More hypocrisy)
“Rousseau, I am sorry if you feel put upon because you can’t force others to worship as you do,”
“It gives special consideration to a group of people that, if given half a chance, would turn this country into a church-state in half a heartbeat.”
Here’s the one that drove me nucking futs:
"BTW, I am not “anti-Christian”, I am “anti- believing in fairy tales long after people have supposedly grown up and trying to make others believe in them too.”
And then he writes all of these quotes off to this:
“Rousseau, Oh Great Teacher, Criticising your religion’s intrusion into public affairs is not a personal attack.
This is.
Take your smug and condesending attitude and royal “we” and shove them where the sun don’t shine.”
I repeatedly told this guy that he was offending me, and he repeatedly made remarks akin to the last one there (most of them were to the effect of: "You are trying to invade public schools with Christianity, and therefore I have the right to say anything about your religion that I want to). I asked him to try and leave his prejudices out of the discussion, and he repeatedly came back with more. I finally decided to stop wasting everyone else’s time on this guy, and just drag him into the Pit.
So, what’s this guy’s problem?
The IQ of a group is equal to the IQ of the dumbest member divided by the number of people in the group.