Smackdown! Sauron vs Tom Bombadil - Who wins?


Is Tom Bombadil powerful enough to overcome Sauron or is he only powerful in his little patch of forest?

Nope, according to Glorfindel: “I think that in the end, if all else is conquered, Bombadil will fall. Last as he was First.”

But would Tim Benzedrin fall against Sorhed, given all the help he got from his friends?

Well, technically Sauron would beat him but Tom Bombadil is really cool and I like to pretend he is completely invincible :cool:
There’s another recent “Who would win in a fight?” thread over here if anyone is interested.

Tom Bombadil’s power was not based on might. There’s been all kinds of speculation - and Ol’ Tom did take The One Ring in his fingers, spin it in the air and - for a moment - make it dissapear.:slight_smile:

…then make it re-appear and hand it back to Frodo.

Tom Bombadil has the power to bore the hell of out anyone. He wins by a snooze.


As I see it, Sauron would either…

  1. Die of suffocation while laughing at Tom’s yellow boots.

  2. Run, screaming, as soon as Tom started singing.

Okay, Gandalf vs. Mace Windu!