Small white foam exuding from sliced sweet potatoes--normal? (Need answer fast)

Caveat: I am an inexperienced cook.

I am preparing some sweet potatoes that I washed, rinsed, peeled, and sliced.

Upon peeling, the surface of the potatoes exudes some whitish foamy spots. I rinsed that off and sliced them into medallions and again the little whitish foam seeps out.

At first I thought it was soap from washing them, so I rinsed the next batch without any soap, but they are doing it too.

I have never noticed this before, but that doesn’t mean it’s not normal…I could just be unobservant.

Is this a normal event – sugars or starches seeping out, maybe? – or is somethign wrong with these organic sweet potatoes (sold as “garnet yams,” but websites seem to indicate that’s the same thing as sweet potatoes here in the US.)

Web searches have been inconclusive.

I need to have these ready for this evening, and it’s already 3:30 PM, but I don’t want to make anyone ill if this is some kind of chemical or soap contamination. Anyone have experience with this and can let me know?

Thanks tons!

Don’t wash vegetables with soap, first of all.

Yes, this is normal, it’s just starches and sugars oozing out and forming bubbles, as you theorized.

Thank you. I was using the vegetable wash my wife bought…I assume it’s a mild soap solution.

Mine do this pretty much all the time. It’s normal. Save a tater for me.