Wow, they pulled it off. A good reason for Aquaman to be in Kansas and a decent episode to boot.
Making Arthur Curry a Miami student as an explanation for his orange and green apparel: nice. Lana, Chloe, and Lois in swimsuits: cool. The JLA line was amazing.
For those of you keeping track people went unconcious 3 times this episode. That brings our season average down to 3.75 (15/4). No hospital scenes though.
I was robbed of cheesecake I was in the middle of getting dinner together when the episode started, so I just let the DVR grab it. Since I’ve got an HDTV, I record the WB’s HD channel from my cable provider. Well, I guess they had some techincal difficulties with the HD broadcast (it later seemed to switch back and forth from HD to normal def), because when I went back to watch it, the opening scene (up until the credits) had audio but no video
::shakes fist at cable company::
The “We should start a Junior Lifeguard Association” line cracked me up. I’m a little fuzzy on my DC history: who was the starting lineup of the JLA (the Justice League one)? I’m pretty sure I remember Aquaman and the Flash (already established in the Smallville universe), along with Wonder Woman. Batman? Or was he more of a “I won’t join but I’ll help out” non-member?
It’ll be interesting to see where they take the Professor Fine character, especially if more of LutherCorp’s secrets get uncovered from his and Clark’s research. Although I’ve got to wonder how someone goes from oozing off of a spaceship and morphing into human form to teaching History at a university (albeit “A&M Kansas”) over a summer. Ok, I’m sure it’s probably along the lines of “Dude, he’s BRANIAC!!!” but having some inconsistency show up that Clark & Chloe track down could make for an interesting plot point.
The preview for next week looked…eh. Although I figure seeing James Marsters give the line (spoiling preview only) There’s no such thing as vampires! will probably be enough for me (a longtime Buffy / Angel fan) to watch it.
True, I think the original lineup was Wonder Woman, the Flash (Barry Allen), Green Lantern (Hal Jordan), Aquaman, and the Martian Manhunter. Probably wrong though.
I liked the contrast between Clark and AC at this point in their lives: AC is very focused and confident; he knows what he wants and will do anything to get it. Clark is still nervous and unsure, uncomfortable with having to use his powers and not accepting his responsibilty. I like that each of the “guest star” episodes allow him to show a little more of his character: With Flash he was the wise older brother, with AC the mediator and voice of reason. This guy pulled it off, he looked the part. I might have changed his outfit slightly, but it was good. Also, he was bigger than Superman :eek:
I think James Marsters will be, along with John Glover and Michael Rosenbaum, an excellent anchor of the show. Why are all of the villains so good?
In just one scene he’s done really well, though I’ll confess that I didn’t recognize him for a split second. He needs to use an English accent just once, possibly to mock Lex. Also, the idea that Brainaic is the one who inspires Clark to take up investigative journalism is excellent.
Superman and Batman were members, but it was policy to not draw them prominently on JLA covers, since these two already had several books of their own.
I hate to get all nauseatingly gushy, but I lurv this show! I’m still new to it. I’ve been watching last season to catch up, and now I’m prolly going to have to watch season three as well, as I have to see the Jor-el Super Boy arc.
Aqua Boy was really well done. Much more likeable than Kid Flash, or whoever that was. He was a bit too snotty. A little light in the details though, I really, really want to know more about this guy. Who’d he get his abilities from? Mom or dad? He’s not a meteor-kid, so what’s the deal? Is there an Atlantis? Ok, Lois falling in the lake was a bit lame. But whatevah.
No, no, no! Lex is really getting bad now! Noooooo! Not yet! Too soon, too soon!
Spike is awesome, as always. Why is it, Brits can fake an American accent just fine, but Americans can’t fake Brit accents? Have to agree though, how does one get a teaching job when one has just landed on Earth?
Have you read any Kid Flash/Impulse stuff? He’s a snotty brat. That’s his thing. If it weren’t for his impressive abilities the Titans probably would have tied him up in a sack full of bricks and drowned him in the San Fran bay years ago.
Not an avid Aquaman reader, but I think there was magic involved. I think they are keeping the guests’ origins deliberately vague. It cuts back on the amount of time needed to tell the story for one thing.
My question, can Fish-Boy only control water while in water? If not why didn’t he command the water surrounding him and Lex on them?
I kinda wish they had a talking to fish moment. Its’ kinda a hokey power, but its’ classic Aquaman.
toadspittle, Thermscyria was hinted at about 2 seasons ago in a newspaper headline, so Wondy’s not out. Bruce Wayne is also very do-able as they are close in age (Bruce is 5 years older). Diana is 5 years younger than Supes so they might be able to do a “Wonder Girl” episode. I still want a young Barbara Gordon to meet Chloe.
They made reference to Green Arrow in the pilot episode. When Lionel and young Lex are flying into Smallville, Lionel is reading a newspaper with a headline that says something like “Billionaire Oliver Queen Missing, Presumed Dead”.
For those unfamiliar with the comics, Oliver Queen was a billionaire much like Bruce Wayne. In fact, the version of him that existed prior to the Sixties was nothing but a Bruce Wayne knockoff. He even had an Arrowcar and an Arrowplane (pun!). Anyway, he was shipwrecked on a deserted island and made a bow and arrows so he could hunt to survive. He got very, very good at it before being rescued. When he went home, he put on a green Robin Hood outfit and a tiny domino mask and became Green Arrow.
Anyway, Ollie would be quite a bit older than Clark and the others, but that could work.
They had a similar newspaper reference to Wonder Woman in the episode where Lex was in Belle Reve. Headline said “Themysciran Queen Visits Pope”. I’d have liked to be a fly on the wall at that meeting! :eek:
Yeah, I didn’t bring that up because Wolfian had already mentioned it. I think the headline was “Themysciran Princess Addresses U.N.” We always pause the TiVo and check over any newspaper they show since they love putting in little easter eggs like that.
Funny that the thread with the actual date was the one that got closed…
The one thing I didn’t like about this episode was Clark’s initial confrontation with AC.
Clark has special powers. Powers that he keeps secret from most everyone he trust no matter how irrational it seems. He depends on those who do know to keep his secret. When anyone outside his circle of friends learns of his powers, what’s their reaction? “Don’t worry Clark. Your secret is safe with me.”
So what does Clark do when he learns of Aquaman’s abilities? “There’s something about this guy I just don’t trust,” he says, which turns out to be completely unfounded. Then Clark goes and confronts him in a public place in front of Lana and Lois, two people he has purposely hidden his powers from, and does everything but flat out tells them all what special powers this guy has.