So, according to the band’s Myspace page, and, the Smashing Pumpkins are currently in the studio, recording a new album! They will also be touring Germany come June!!
I know that I, as a self-professed Pumpkinhead, am hugely excited by this news. I only hope they continue in the vein of rock dominance that they showed around the Siamese Dream/Mellon Collie era. Adore and Machina were good, but let’s leave those phases in the past where they belong.
Unfortunately, that appears to be the case. Billy and Jimmy (the drummer) are on board, whereas Jimmy and D’Arcy are not. I can’t say I blame them, as I can imagine (and I’ve heard things to support this) that Billy is very difficult to work with. Nonetheless, I find myself very excited.
They were by far my favorite band when they were around - I was one of those hardcore geeks that had all of the pre-Gish demos and rarities and so on, even down to a bootleg of The Marked, Billy’s pre-SP band.
But let’s all just go ahead and admit that this is going to be a sub-Zwan abortion, an embarrassment. I’d love to hear BC age gracefully and make the sorts of records that he secretly wants to make (a predominantly acoustic solo record), but he always has that big dumb metal chip on his shoulder that screams “turn it up to 11, d00d!” when he just needs to accept that his songs are pretty and graceful.