Snakes on a Plane [at last!]

Anyone else go to a screening tonight? I just got home… brought my family and some rubber snakes. I was hoping for more humor, but the movie definitely had the unintentional self-parody you’d expect from Snakes on a Plane.

And Samuel L. Jackson was actually as good as all that hype. I’m pleased.

I just saw it. It was incredible. I went in expecting to be disappointed, but it was great. I was actually nervous about the fact that they went in and shot more scenes once the cult status had been established–I feel like a lot of times when the directors are in on the joke, there ceases to be a joke. It was great, though.

Audience participation is key, too.

Yeah. There was a healthy amount of that tonight - before the movie started, we threw rubber snakes at my youngest brother - but I’m really excited about seeing it tomorrow with a New York City crowd.

Absolutely everything I was hoping for, if not more. My favorite parts:

[spoiler]Snake in a Barf Bag!

When the power in the cabin went out and some random character in the background just said “Snakes!”

An actually fairly interesting b-plot on the ground

The one constrictor on the flight getting the guy who threw the dog to its death.

The patently ridiculous buddy-buddy ending. Might as well had Sam Jackson say, “Well now that that’s over with, let’s have a motherfucking luau!”[/spoiler]

And seriously, they did a great job of keeping the action going from the first snakebite to the last. My theater had a great crowd of mostly college kids. I’m definitely seeing this again, hopefully later this weekend.

One question: What was the line Samuel L. Jackson said after, you know, the line? The theater I was in went so nuts (myself included) that all I heard was “… fucking windows.”

We have our tickets for tonight. I was surprised they still had any when we ordered them. Allegedly almost 300 people can be squeezed into the theatre we’re going to see it in. Hopefully no one orders anything with beans!

I was sooooo looking forward to the movie until I read your spoiler about the dog. What are the circumstances of the dogs death? I’m not sure I can watch that.

You don’t actually see it, per se. You just see the asshole businessman guy throw the dog toward the snake, and then the snake starts to coil around it. The camera then quickly cuts away to her outraged owner.


Thank you.

Saw it last night and it was awesome. I have never been in a movie theatre before when an entire audience rises for a standing ovation in the middle of a movie.

Everyone in the theatre knew that the line was coming… I looked to both sides and saw the entire row lean forward in anticipation… “I’ve had it with these mother fucking snakes on this mother fucking plane!” Cue applause that drowns out the next several lines.

There was not a review of SOAP in today’s Chicago Tribune because the movie was not made available for advanced screenings. This is usually a major indication that the movie is complete crap. Based on the above reviews, that does not seem to be the case here.

I am going to see this, and I am not a fan of snakes, plane movies, or action movies.

I mean, it’s SNAKES. On a PLANE. I wanna see it! Ever since I started reading about it.

I think there’s a Fark party/viewing tonight, but I’ll see if my husband wants to go, as I’m slightly afraid of the Fark people. :slight_smile:

When movies went stupid…AGAIN!

I have only seen the tv ads for this movie, thankfully that is all I will ever see.

I’d rather see Joan Collins and very large ants again then watch snakes on a plane.

Don’t ask me though; I have never seen Lord of the Rings, Star Wars or any recent horror. Space, fantasy or movies with people too stupid to turn on the lights (or check for creatures) don’t do it for me. I like movies to be about people in semi-realistic settings.

It’s sitting at 80% on RT. I love this quote from the Movie Mom review:

Movies have been officially stupid… AGAIN when comic book films started grossing $100+ weekends.

However, at least SOAP has no pretentions to being anything other than what it is… a B-movie. Compare that to the critics and fanboys who actually called Spiderman 2 Shakespearian. :rolleyes: X 1000

You’re just a big fucking snob, then, and I’ll bet anything you haven’t seen any of the recent comic book movies. What was Shakespeare in his day, aside from someone who created mass entertainment for the common people, that just happened to be very good and transcended its time and purpose? You are just proving your ignorance in a forum dedicated to fighting it, and I won’t be able to take anything you have to say elsewhere seriously as a result.

Kittens on a Plane

Bette Davis Impersonators on a Plane

Whoopee Cushions on a Plane

That would be chilling.

We’ve already seen Lucille Ball Impersonators on a Bus.

Part of me wants to see this and part of me doesn’t. I suppose I might head on over to the $5 matinee this weekend and check it out.

What REALLY brought it to my attention (it had, of course, always been there) was the gigantic “SNAKES ON A PLANE!” logo in the entertainment section of the Reno-Gazette Journal (the direct competator of the newspaper I work with - we keep archives for reference purposes) this morning. Complete with the gigantic snakes strangling a plane, and on the inside in the story, the picture of the director with the snake.

I love snakes. :smiley: I always wanted a pet one.


Last week I made a birthday cake for an event at the library. It read “Happy 14th Birthday Lucy!”

Lucy is a snake, a ball python to be specific. And she was in attendance, as part of a children’s community education program. I’m surprised nobody mentioned SOAP, because even the kids are talking about it.

Lucy is about five feet long. I got to touch her. She’s actually quite beautiful, a striking pet. Of course the kids wanted to know what she eats. It’s rats mostly. The owner told me they bop the rat over the head first, and if Lucy needs vitamins they put them on the rat’s tongue. It’s kind of hard to feed pills to a snake.