Jerks in a Theater

Went to Snakes on a plane tonight.

I walked out after 10 minutes off the actual film. Asked for my money back. It wasn’t the “Snakes on a Plane” that made me leave, it was the “Jerks in a theater”. A lot of shouting was going on before the movie started witch was fine but they didn’t shut up when the lights dimmed and the coming attractions started. I was expect a little heckling but I did not pay almost $11 to listen to a couple of slackers do their version of MST3K thought the entire movie.

An usher ask them to be quiet and they just shouted no at them, the usher then left. It has a couple of minutes after that that my brother and I left.

We were looking forward to this movie for months and understood that it might be bad (the fact that it looked like it would be so bad it was funny was why we wanted to go in the first place) but that does not give people the right to drowned out the movies because they think they are funnier. Please if you are going to do that please just wait for the DVD and do it at home and let the rest of us watch in peace.

I may try and go again tomorrow.

My first pit rant, yea I know its weak

I am sick and tired of the muthafuckin’ jerks in this muthafuckin’ theater!

As I suggested in the Cafe Society thread, this movie is practically made for audience interaction. A few years from now, it’ll be a riot at midnight screenings. The downside is, everybody knows this, so they’re starting before they have any actual material. It’ll take some time for the bozos to get over themselves and their shouting of painfully obvious idiocies (“you tell 'em, Sam!”), but eventually the cream will rise to the top.

Don’t go tomorrow. Wait a couple of years for the buzz to build around the midnighters. Then go.

There’s a thought. They should make Choose-Your-Own-Adventure style movies…

I’m not sure if this is something you truly believe and participate yourself in, but if any audience member was being loud and used this as an excuse, they’re getting slugged.

I don’t watch movies in theaters anymore. I consider it to be a great personal loss. It was escapist fantasy for me. I would immerse myself in the total visual/aural/artistic experience.

Rude motherfuckers, whose mamas were undoubtedly scrounging about in local alleyways for the discarded chewing gum they use to stop the bleeding from suppurating sores both vile and various, rather than instructing said motherfuckers in the basic social niceties required to just, you know, get along, have ruined it for me.

The dumbasses cannot be shamed, and as the OP has pointed out, the theatre management is often unsuited to the task of growing a pair and kicking out the assholes who spoil it for everyone else.

I truly see a self-fulfilling downward spiral–as movie audiences get dumber and dumberer, movies will follow happily along, performing a sort of reverse clang-clang. That sound you hear is the sinkhole sucking down the Sahara of the Bozarts, c. early twenty-first century.

Man, I was looking forward to seeing this, but I absolutely hate theatre jerks. I’ll wait a few weeks and catch a lightly-attended afternoon show, if possible.

Someone brought a baby to the screening I went to last night. A crying, screaming INFANT to an R rated movie.

I hope baby’s first word is something interesting.

“Honey, come here quickly!. Lucy is going to say her first word!”
“Mmmmm… Mmmmmaa… Mmmotherfucker” :smiley:

My thesaurus does list “da-da” as a synonym, so that’s not so implausible.

This was not Rocky Horror Pictureshow audience interaction. No else in the audience was laughing and any audience interaction that might actually have made the movie more enjoyabe stop so as not to encourge the 2 or 3 jerks.

You are right in 2 or 3 years a midnight showing of this movie will be great with the right people provide you can keep the jerks out.

So basically you’ve had it with these motherfucking jerks in the motherfucking theater?


Yup. Him and Mayo both.

See post #2, muthafucka’!


D’oh! I saw that right after I posted. :smack:

Oh well, snakes on a plane, I guess.

Stop bitin’ my style, snakebreath.

Gee, I went to see it last night with another Doper, and the whole theatre was cheering and yelling, and it was far and above the most wonderful movie I’ve ever experienced.

It’s not a great movie. Trust me. But the audience interaction was fabulous. I had more fun than I can remember ever having in a movie before. And I’m generally the kind of person who hates hates hates “audience interaction” movies and Jerks in a Theatre.

The moment Samuel L. Jackson’s name came onscreen, the entire theatre cheered. When he said “The Line”, people were up on their feet, giving him a standing ovation.

It was fabulous.

I sort of expected audiences to be insane for this movie, though, so maybe it helps that I was very prepared for it.

Two teeny tiny hijacks:

  1. I remember a couple bringing their infant daughter (I believ, becuase she was all in pink) to Silence of the Lambs.

  2. My ex-wufe’s baby sister’s first word was motherfucker. She was listening to her sisters playing cards at the time.

Someone in my showing yelled “LOOK OUT! There’s a snake in his PANTS!” when Samuel L. Jackson was asking out Julianne Margulis. Penis ensued. I mean laughter. Laughter ensued.

I believe someone shouted that in my theatre, too. Hmmm. You weren’t in Oakville, Ontario, were you?

And I may --MAY-- have been guilty of, around that time, calling out:

“Snakes on a Date!”