So....Asian girls bleach their nipples?

:eek: Damn. Mexican, here. Never heard of such thing nor are there any nipple bleaching products. You either got 'em or you don’t. There are make products to “lighten” up your complexion in the facial area, but nipples…not in Mexico.

Former Mexican here and I haven’t heard of them in Mexico either. I’ve heard of some hispanics in the states doing it though…gods know why though.

As for products I have no idea…I have to admit I haven’t seen a product called a nipple lightner here in the states either…but then, I haven’t exactly looked for it either. I LIKE having dark brown skin…for one thing I never burn. :slight_smile:


I read this as nipple lighter the first time through. :eek:

Youch! Sorry for the confused image there…


It probably ought to be.

More of a spread-wide, practice, no?

Ah right, that must be what they mean about restoring the “pinkness of youth”. (That part confused me too, as I just checked my 42-year-old pair and they’re still just as pink as they were in the days of my virginity, which was quite a while ago. But since I’m nulliparous, that explains it.)

Nipples don’t always darken after a pregnancy, though I think you probably have to be pretty red-haired for that to happen. I have two kids and mine still look just the same.

Therefore she’s got two points.

snicker Yes, I am immature.
Now I have images of male Dopers all over the world sitting back at their computers with big, red, hand-shaped marks on their faces. The cost of fighting ignorance.

It wouldn’t necessarily be called “nipple cream,” would it? Although I imagine it would sell fantastically if it were. If you were really concerned about lightening your nips, you could just use any other skin lightening cream, right? Like… oh, what’s that stuff they used to advertise in the 70s for age spots on your hands? Porcelana?

Are there any pictures of this?

Having the name of a brand (Virgin Pink Special), and finally getting home, I was able to search for this stuff.


But no, it isn’t just nipple cream. It is meant for any sort of blotch, and probably used principally for that (I would imagine.) The overall type of product is 美白ジェル which means “Whitey Gell” (more or less.)

Ah, and that link isn’t work safe if you scroll down…

No, no. It’s like the test strip on the Duracell batteries. Eventually they go completely black.

In Richmond, BC, there’s a fantastic Japanese two-dollar store, and they have all sorts of nipple creams dedicated to making your nipples pinker. I remember my dawning horror as I realised what the cream was for. I also vaguely recall that one brand had peaches on the packages. I haven’t been there in over a year, but I remember at the time assuming it was nipple makeup (band name!), but I guess it could have been bleach.

In the interest of science I also contemplated picking one up, but they wouldn’t have an effect on me, except probably annoying my nipples. Besides, my family would have questioned.

Now you’ve got me thinking about nipples that turn bright green when you pinch them. :eek:

[Tai Dye]
May I come in?
[/Tai Dye]

I think it just depends on the person. My wife is fair-skinned but brunette, and her formerly deliciously-pink nipples are now brown, following the birth of our two kids. Still delicious, though.

I thought it had something to do with breastfeeding, but maybe not.

Yes. I finally found a picture of the product in question. The following links are probably not work safe.

And here’s another brand I found.

Whee… that took far too much effort on my part. >_>;

