So can we get an ultimate list of who's not planning on sticking around?

Basically, who isn’t renewing for this upcoming wave of renewals?

Inspired by this thread:

For whatever reason, I know that a few members plan or are seriously considering not renewing for whatever the reason. If this is you, just pop in here and say so, or if someone else has publicly stated so, just throw down a name if you don’t mind and a thread and post number where they say so if you feel inclined. I don’t intend to turn this into some huge fawning puddle of warm pudding and, “Ohhh, baby, but we love you here so much!”

So, getting things started:
Abbie Carmichael
Silver Fire

Also, allow me to throw in my short schpeel about why you shouldn’t leave yadda yadda yadda.

First, a lot of people seem to invoke, “these boards just aren’t what they used to be.” I say nonsense, that’s nostalgia talking. Of course you remember the really good posts of yore, but you’ve just forgotten the bad ones. I say we’ve gained or continue to have a number of posts and grand OP’s that would have easily matched any old posters or OP’s of yore. Like Quadop the Mercotan, a great resource, LSLGuy another pilot that’s very patient in explaining wingy-related things, Inigo Montoya always funny and interesting, etc. There are literally a hundred posters that I haven’t named that also fall into this category. Whenever I have a problem I need help with or am struck by overwhelming curiosity about something, General Questions continues to be, in my opinion, the heart and soul of this board, and I almost always am treated to an interesting and in-depth answer, often from an expert in the field.

Basically, SDMB is still worth it, especially at $15.00 or $7.50 as the case may be.

So, who’s considering going on sabbatical to California Upstairs Medical School?

Is this really necessary? You must realize that you’re starting a trainwreck here.

Why? I’m not asking for explanations or anything, I simply want to know who we’re losing.

Undecided. Nothing to do with The Recent Unpleasantness{TM}, just that I probably spend too much time here as it is, and it gets pretty repetitive after a while. Mind you, I don’t have to renew in April, so I’ll be around for a while.

I’m gonna pay. It’s only a couple of bucks. I want the ability to search. I’m the lurker who likes to drink and post. Meh.

I’ve taken board rules to mean something on a sliding scale. I understand that. You need to as well. I try to follow them. I respect the mods. I understand the job they do. I want peace one earth. I want full world war, Now.

I’ve heard the moderators state “If there is even a hint of legislation this board is gonna fold!”. I’ve witnessed interactions of baiting. I’ve known that long term posters on their third and FINAL warning were not going to be able to make it. I’m sure I’ve heard “S/he was a long time poster they should have know better!” Waaaaayy to many times. In this instance it’s very true. “We’ve changed this last rule to include an instance of X and if he posts “the” again, he will be banned. Meh.

Many other posters have fallen for less. It’s a shame. It’s a shame.

It’s not true. Tuba isn’t modest or humble. I’m sickened by the behavior that was trying to be exposed but can not condone the actions that were taken against it. Leave/Stay. People will still read. I will still read. It isn’t because Tuba is fantastic it’s because she may be the only one that understands vBulletin. Whatever. Whatever

F@@j, Missed the last paragraghy. Thinger.

Can we move this to the pit?

The Pit? Hell, why don’t we just move it over to LJ? That’s where this really belongs.

Why LJ? That place is awful.

I’m considering leaving, but only because I spend too much time here. Not because I have any issues with anybody.

I have to take issue with this. LJ itself is not awful. There are certain communities/journals on LJ that have been established solely for the purpose of snarking on people, but that is not the entirety of the place. I spend far more time on LJ nowadays than the boards, and have gotten to know people much better than I did here, because it’s a different level of interaction. I hate that some people on the boards have gotten this impression that LJ is nothing but a snakepit, because all they’ve seen of it is the yucky parts. That’s just one corner of it, much like the BBQ Pit is only one part of the SDMB.

My SS is not allowed to leave this board. If you try to leave, I’ll be there to pull you back in :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh, and to answer the OP, I’m undecided. I’m deeply unhappy with they way the boards are being run lately, and the attitude of the administration toward the members (not solely related the this most recent incident), but do still get something out of being here. I dunno.

I don’t post enough to justify paying again.

I’d like to stay, but I don’t have PayPal, and, therefore, can’t figure out how to pay the SDMB.

you just need a credit card, no need for paypal.

Don’t have that, either.

Post over in ATMB. There is an entire thread dedicated to this very thing. :smiley:

I’m leaving.

SA is a much better deal (no yearly renewals) and I get extra comedy and FAST SERVERS there. None of this “click and pray to Og it works” BS.

No specific reason why I’m leaving though. Just not worth it to me.

Governor Quinn, my email is in my profile if you’d like for me to handle your renewal for you. Just drop me a line and we’ll work out the details. If you’re interested. :slight_smile:

I’m another in the “undecided” category.

Now don’t get me wrong – I think it’s fun around here. But I’ve got a couple strikes against me, and those are:

  1. **I personally don’t have a lot of faith in the administration of this board. ** I have seen rules bent, broken, and shattered by the people that police the fora, and I’ve seen other rules selectively enforced by a few. I’ve also seen what happens when you don’t kiss the asses of some of those that enforce those rules.

Now I realize I’m painting with a brush as broad as a house, and I know that’s not right or just. I also don’t think it’s fair to “call out” those people that I suspect of doing these things – first, this isn’t The Pit, and second, it’s kind of beating a dead horse at this juncture. But the fact remains that nobody is watching the watchmen, and this has led to problems almost as bad as if there were no administration at all. Which leads to…

  1. **Apparently, according to an e-mail I received from one Mod last December, I’m on the SDMB sh*t-list these days for some minor infractions. ** Last thing I need is to pay the re-up fee, and then end up angering the Administration Czars and be banned and out the cash. (Again, not naming any names.) They’ve also made it clear around here that there’s no way to “work off” those infractions. It’s on my record, and they’ll be just as happy to ban me for something minor two minutes from now, using something done 3 years ago as a basis for “repeated offenses.”


  1. ** I’ve been spending a lot more time at TotalFark lately.** I just tossed them the $25, 6-month fee, and it’s been a lot more useful – for me. That’s not to say this board isn’t useful for everyone – it does have a clearly defined purpose. But…

  2. **My threads almost never get answered or replied to. ** This doesn’t necessarily bother me when it’s a simple MPSIMS thread, but I’ve asked several factual General Questions that haven’t really received any attention at all. So, to me, the board isn’t really serving its intended purpose. That’s not to say I haven’t learned from the questions other people have asked, but again – to me – it’s not as useful as I’d hoped.
    But still, how sad is it that I’d rather pay $10 more to another membership-only board for a half-year less time? Once upon a time, I’d never have considered it.

I still don’t know what I’m going to do. And I’m not dressing myself in delusions of grandeur – I won’t think for a second that anybody is going to beg me not to go, or miss me if I’m gone. I also won’t be performing the SDMB “flameout” where I post something really inflammatory before I go. I’d like to think I’ll just…go.

But not cuz of some alleged privacy policy violation that I’ve read nothing about.