Basically, who isn’t renewing for this upcoming wave of renewals?
Inspired by this thread:
For whatever reason, I know that a few members plan or are seriously considering not renewing for whatever the reason. If this is you, just pop in here and say so, or if someone else has publicly stated so, just throw down a name if you don’t mind and a thread and post number where they say so if you feel inclined. I don’t intend to turn this into some huge fawning puddle of warm pudding and, “Ohhh, baby, but we love you here so much!”
So, getting things started:
Abbie Carmichael
Silver Fire
Also, allow me to throw in my short schpeel about why you shouldn’t leave yadda yadda yadda.
First, a lot of people seem to invoke, “these boards just aren’t what they used to be.” I say nonsense, that’s nostalgia talking. Of course you remember the really good posts of yore, but you’ve just forgotten the bad ones. I say we’ve gained or continue to have a number of posts and grand OP’s that would have easily matched any old posters or OP’s of yore. Like Quadop the Mercotan, a great resource, LSLGuy another pilot that’s very patient in explaining wingy-related things, Inigo Montoya always funny and interesting, etc. There are literally a hundred posters that I haven’t named that also fall into this category. Whenever I have a problem I need help with or am struck by overwhelming curiosity about something, General Questions continues to be, in my opinion, the heart and soul of this board, and I almost always am treated to an interesting and in-depth answer, often from an expert in the field.
Basically, SDMB is still worth it, especially at $15.00 or $7.50 as the case may be.
So, who’s considering going on sabbatical to California Upstairs Medical School?