Why I renewed. Why you should too.

Recently there was an event on the board that resulted in many threads filled with much angst. I didn’t participate in them and won’t comment here, either.

Why? Not in my self-interest. Although I am more than willing to consider factors other than self-interest in making decisions–justice, morality, etc.–there is a level of injustice or immorality beneath which such consideration is not in order.

The SDMB isn’t perfect; few things in Life are. There have been people banned I didn’t want to see banned, and there have been behaviors that have not benefitted the board. But inasmuch as GQ and other fora are worth far more than $7.50 to me, I renewed today.

I probably ask, on average, at least one question a month in GQ that saves me $10.00 or more in time and frustration; some are worth much more than that. Hence, the decision to renew was anacephalic. The ability to read and participate in GD, the Pit, Cafe, IMHO, etc., is just gravy to that roast.

Another point. I gave up arguing in threads dealing with “paranormal” topics because doing so created a flap, my opponents often couldn’t be civil, people suggested I be banned, etc. The overall effect on me was injust, I perceived, but because participation on the board was worth the time and money even without my participating in such hot-button topics, I simply made the sacrifice of not so participating and moved on.

We in the US are unused to circumscribing our behavior so as to enjoy a benefit. The unfairness of having to alter the way we express ourselves just kills us. In fact, unless our livelihood itself is at stake (i.e., the shitty boss syndrome), we grin without bearing it.

I suggest, therefore, to those who wish to run from the SDMB because some admin did this or that, or this poster was banned but that one wasn’t, to consider just giving up on the fine-tuning of justice here and base the decision to renew or not upon pure self-interest.

Is the $7.50 worth it to you? It is. Renew.

PS–It is in my self-interest to keep you here, as you answer my questions in GQ and debate with me in GD. Thanks for your answers and your thoughts. Aside from the very few here dedicated to negativity, I am glad to see everyone remain.

Actually I am renewing. I enjoy SDMB more than any other message board. And SDMB accepts Paypal which makes things all neat and tidy. I, however, am not fooled. The $7.50 will be worth much more to SDMB than myself.

I’m going to renew, not because I don’t miss some banned posters or because I think SDMB is perfect, but because it’s the most literate gathering of minds out there. I have my qualms, I bring my warts, but it’s usually enlightening, amusing and ultimately encouraging.

I have had pure bloodes Scotsmen tel me that I am almost dangerously frugal, but this board provides me with more than enough entertainment to renew.

Where else could I get a year’s worth of snark and information for the cost of a movie ticket?

People who aren’t renewing over that one Incident Of Unpleasantness are a bunch of whiners who don’t belong here (IMHO). In one extreme set of circumstances, the privacy rule was violated. Big Fucking Deal. I’m not going to give up after 4 years of good times at the SDMB over one isolated incident.

I’m renewing. Without the slightest hesitation.

Why? Because unlike virtually every other message board in existence, this one actually makes an effort to keep a lid on things and not let the jerks run absolutely wild. And of course, it’s a great website, with a breadth of knowledge, interest, and good humor I’ve rarely seen elsewhere. (Well, the CNNSI boards were pretty good until a select few jerks got so utterly out of control that the mods had to completely clamp down and squeeze most of the fun out of the site.)

Lots and lots of bans? Moderators getting trigger-happy? GOOD! It’s about freaking time a group of moderators understood what their job was! In virtually every instance, the ban or lock was completely justified…and on the one-in-a-million cases where it wasn’t, they always make right (Yes, it’s possible to restore an account. What, you didn’t know?).

You want dozens and dozens of completely pointless threads that go on for eternity, or flaming morons going absolutely wild without so much as a warning, there are hundreds, if not thousands of message boards you can go to. You want a small, shining oasis of intelligence and decency which sometimes gets a little unpleasant but never goes completely out of control…this is it.

You get what you pay for, folks. Your call.

I renewed just over a week ago. Amongst the reasons: (a)the subscription is reasonable; and (b) this board was the first one I got involved with back in '01.

Without brown-nosing – I support the staff in their unenviable job here. Nothing I’ve read of incidents taking place has altered my opinion that the staff are just folks trying to do the best they can, at times under stressful conditions, and that they are human. Thus, they can err as humans can. As you or I can.

My opinion for or against any staff actions of late here had very little to do with why I took the plastic out of my wallet and plugged in the numbers. I simply like the place, and I want to continue to support it by being a paid member.

I have renewed.

The fact that hardly anyone ever agrees with me is good for me. I’m too wayward anyway.

I agree with Lord Ashtar. Why should we give a fuck who’s renewing? ha.

And why is this in the pit, anyway?

I’ll be renewing. Are there problems here? A few. But it’s well worth $7.50 to continue enjoying what I get here.

[hijack]fessie, I’ve been trying to get in touch with you. Where have you been? email me.[/hijack]

I totally disagree with the way management dealt with the Euphemistically named Event but I would not consider not renewing. I have had bigger disagreements with friends and family without feeling the need to disown them.

Norinew! I wrote you yesterday, sorry you didn’t receive, will send again!!!

Well I am a pure blooded Scotsman, DrFidelius, and I’ll be renewing too. Of course I don’t do much to hold up the frugal stereotype, with my “Ooo, shiney” reaction to gadgetery.

I know what you’re talking about here, I’ve read a lot of those threads and participated in a few.

For what it’s worth, being on the opponent side, sorry. It tends to be a polarizing issue, but I value the time you did take to argue your side and I understand your decision.

It’s important to hear all sides in the fight against ignorance, the fact that that is posibile here is one of the attractions. Were it not for this place there would be many counter-views to mine that I’d never be exposed to, and I’d be worse off for that.

So thank you, Aeschines, and everyone else who has shared over the years.


Are you high?

He/She is not, and that gathering is what made me sign up for twice what you “oldtimers” are paying. Feh (as they say here), still worth every penny.

Don’t mind him, he just hasn’t been subjected to the Horror that is Internet Message Boards as a whole. I keep him in a box most of the time, only letting him peek at the SD when he’s been good.

I renewed as happily as I subscribed in the first place. Considering the years of fun I’ve gotten out of this board, I think I can cough up seven bucks to keep reading. I’ve spent a lot more than that on books I couldn’t even finish. So for a board with lots of great threads that could keep me reading for hours a day…yep, worth it.

Okay, I received an email from you. This will be the last time I waste the board’s bandwidth addressing the issue, unless there’s another glitch. :wink:

Is it worth the $7.50 to me? No, not really. I don’t utilize GQ, though I sometimes answer questions. I have a free livejournal where I can post my random thoughts or rant and rave and share opinions on other’s random thoughts or rantings and ravings. I waste a metric shit ton of time here that could more profitably be used maintaining my home, playing with my pets, or pursuing actual constructive hobbies that I never seem to get around to. There are other personal issues that I don’t really care to get into. All that adds up to resubscribing being a waste of my time and money. The fact that I really don’t care for the prospect of giving my explicit, monetary approval to the way That Which Shall Not Be Mentioned was handled is just the icing on the cake.