so far today, my 3yo daughter has...

kicked me in the nuts twice, and jumped on me there once. You’d think I’d be better at defense by now.


or at least bought a cup.
She definitely doesn’t want any more sibs, does she?

Us girls love our daddies, we just want to make sure you notice us.

My daughter is five and she still manages to target them way more than I can attribute to accidents. I’m sure she has subconciously noted the massive reaction it gets (or conciously). I would advise not letting her see you roll on the ground moaning. Easier said than done, I admit, but it could save lots more “accidents” later.

I kicked my father in the nuts for five dollars on his birthday. I hope you enjoy parenthood more than he has.

When I was little I used to hit mom in the boobs more than she liked. She explained to me that if you hit a woman in the boobs she’ll get breast cancer and die.

Probably not the best way to get me to stop, but it did work. I was terrified of boobs after that.

When my daughter was little, I bought my husband a cup so he would stop complaining, but he never wore it. It’s sort of a family joke now, and it’s still floating around here somewhere, even though the youngest is 20 and we’ve been divorced 9 years now.

It’s pretty much all my fault (anyone husbands surprised there? :wink: ), I pick her up, or swing her around and she’s the perfect height now for her feet to just naturally swing right into me. And I was lying down at one end of the couch and she scooted over and jumped on me, bam! She’s getting too quick, and too big. And it’s all happenign too fast.


It’s funny how, when my kids jump into my hubby’s lap, they catch him right in the nads, while I invariably get an elbow to the boobs. It’s as if there’s some magnetic force that draws them to the most sensitive location, and POW!! that’s where you get it!

Didn’t Bill Cosby offer the explanation of brain damage? :wink: