Working in an office for a fairly large company, it should come as no surprise that there are lots of meetings. Meetings in the morning, meetings in the afternoon, meetings at lunch, meetings instead of lunch, meetings, meetings, meetings.
Lately, however, I’ve noticed a strange phenomenon. The rooms that our forefathers have built to house these meetings - Conference Rooms and/or offices - are standing largely empty.
Oddly, this seems to have started when people decided that in front of my desk/in the hallyway in front of the stairwell/in line in the cafeteria/any where it’s going to be inconvenient and annoying for someone else were even BETTER places to have meetings.
Is this strictly a “Mycompanyisfullofidiots” kinda thing, or does this happen to other people too?
I don’t know if it’s due to the more casual corporate culture or what, but people seem to feel as though they can strike up a meeting just about anywhere, and everyone else can just walk around them, and who cares if you’re making someone elses life miserable, or making it impossible for someone to concentrate on their job.
WHY IS THIS? We have lovely conference rooms. With doors that close. And projectors. And computers. They have offices. With walls. With doors, with windows, yippee!
Also, does anyone have any advice on how to tell people (one of whom is your supervisor) that the gabfest they’re having in front of your desk is making it impossible for you to get what you need to do done and to take it in his office?
Sorry for ranting, it’s been that kind of day…