So how would Schaivo die?

I know there are threads/blogs/articles all over about what will happen without the feeding tube and what people think should happen but…

If the parents are successful and win the right to keep their daughter alive against medical advice and her wishes, How would she die? When? Would it be better or worse than no feeding tube? What would the financial cost be? Who would bear that cost?

With food and water, the “when” wouldn’t be very predictable. The “how” ? well, her cerebral cortex has already begun to degrade, but, it could take years for the atrophy to finally reach the brainstem.

The most likely cause would be infection, or aspiration, leading to pneumonia.

In most long term cases, the feeding tube is permanently inserted through the abdominal wall into either the stomach, ileum or jejunum. With ileostomy or jejunostomy the risk of aspiration is decreased.

Any type of infection might lead to multi-organ failure, since her immune system isn’t as active as it would be in a healthy person.

Without water, she will become dehydrated. Her circulating blood volume will drop causing her blood pressure to drop. When her blood pressure drops to a point below her cpp, (cerebral perfusion pressure) circulation to her brainstem ceases. The brainstem controls basic, involuntary, function, such as heart beat. So when it goes so goes the rest.