Well, I got let go because they said I was no longer a good fit and didn’t seem to want to be there. Happy Thanksgiving huh? I suspect it was more due to the fact that I declined the last minute invitation to their Christmas dinner party at the boss’ house. I can’t say I’m sad or even angry, more like offended. They fired the receptionist last night apparently but at least she didn’t have to get up and get ready for work this morning like I did only to find out that I didn’t have a job anymore. C’est la vie…
Sorry to hear that.
If declining an invitation to a Jebusmas party is the real reason for getting fired, you probably don’t want to work there anyway.
You’re right - but I sure wish I had found another gig first. It’s always nice to be the one to decide that it’s over.
Welcome to the unhappy club. My husband was laid off two weeks ago.
If there is karma in the universe hopefully some of the people intending the Christmas party will steal the silverware (or whatever they have of value).
My husband suspects that part of his firing was due to his lack of participation in their annual United Way campaigns - every year he declined to participate, and every year someone took notice of it and came to him and told him that he was causing his department to not have a 100% participation rate, he was costing his team the 100% participation prizes, he wasn’t a team-player, etc. I backed him all the way on not participating - it’s nobody’s goddamned business whether he donates to United Way or not.
RU Serious, what an awful thing to happen to you at this time of year (or any time, really). What kind of work did/do you do? You can PM me if you don’t want to post it here.
Maybe you should be thankful you don’t work there any more!
This is one of those shitty situations where coughing up $5 might be better than sticking to your principles. I agree with you though.
Since you got fired for no damn good reason, you can collect unemployment while you look for a new job. It won’t amount to what you were getting paid before, but I hope it takes some of the sting out of your situation. Take a break; take a few days; hell, take a week, and plan your next step.
Wow. What kind of dickwad place to work is that? Same reason for the receptionist too?
Seems kinda fascist but wutevs, as others have said: be glad that stress is out of your life (and now you have different stress). It can actually be a springboard for a new life. Was for me!
Im a Special Snowflake and really dont take authority well, especially if its ignorant, so after being fired for what amounted to knowing too much about my boss’s infidelities during business hours, I became an entrepreneur and make twice as much now in half the time. And I love my boss!
mrAru alway has refused to participate in United Way [or any financial drives] and points out that he is a regular participant in Habitat for Humanity [plumbing, basic carpentry, finish carpentry and electrical install, and I bake a ton of noshes ranging from cookies, brownies to pasties and baby quiches, especially if the chickens were particularly prolific in popping out eggs.] so in general he couldn’t be guilted into donating if they persisted, he got to point out that I am handicapped with some fairly expensive medical costs and we couldn’t afford to divert any cash without needing to enroll in some charity ourselves.
Fuck that week stuff. If you get unemployment, take the 6 mos to a year!
Best wishes.
I’m very sorry for you, I have been in your shoes and it sucks. This is a horrid time for this to happen, just before Thanksgiving and Christmas.
As to the why, any successful business would not look at your involvement in activities like the boss’s dinner or the United Way Campaign as a reason to fire you (even*** if***, it should be laid off, not fired - huge difference). Is it at all possible there’s another reason? They said you didn’t fit in, didn’t want to be there. Have you been acting out, even in passively aggressive way?
At the boss’s party all will be going well until, without warning, the boss’s expensive fafrotsky will begin to make strange noises and emit foul-smelling odors, making the party unpleasant for everyone. Someone will cry out,“where is r u serious?1 He and he alone can prevent this disaster from getting to the critical stage!” All eyes will be on the boss, who coughs and mutters, “Uhh…I uhh, fired him today.” Gasps and cries of dismay from the guests. Many head for the exit, while others explain to the boss what a foolish thing he has done, and is this the sort of leadership the company can expect from him?
As the fafrotsky becomes less and less stable and emergency sirens are beginning to be heard, the boss’s boss, whom no one has noticed up to this point, sudddenly cries, “Frobisher, you idiot, if you don’t get r u. serious back here immediately you will find yourself straightening paper clips at our Compton branch office beginning Christmas day!”
At that instant the fafrotsky goes critical mass and the boss and his house and his career all vanish in a blinding flash that can be seen as far as Cucamonga.
The newspaper stories the next day begin with STUPID BOSS CAUSES NEAR ARMAGEDDON; HAS ANYONE SEEN R U SERIOUS?
Sorry to hear that. I hope you’ll find somewhere better very quickly.
Sorry to hear that.
I got ‘let go’ once (still within trial period) because after the usual six day week I declined coming in on day seven - my only day off - to ‘volunteer’ cleaning the streets in my work uniform. I wasn’t a team player apparently.
We consider it to be a case of my husband not wanting to wear enough flair (and that seems to be the case for the OP, as well). It’s not enough that you wear all the flair the company deems necessary - you have to WANT to wear all the flair you possibly can!