So I smoked a pack of cigarettes today

I have never been a smoker; absolutely nothing about it appeals to me.

But I do wish you the best of luck.

Be strong.

That’s pretty funny :slight_smile: It’s better because he’s an ex-smoker.

I havent smoked since October 10th, the day before I found out I was pregnant. I wasnt a heavy smoker tho… I actually only ever smoked when I drank. But drank often enough.

All i know is, for me, pregnancy has been the best way to quit! No drinking = No Smoking! And now I cant stand the smell.

A few months ago I was thinking about how appalling it is to me that people huff paint… and the more i thought about it, the more appaling smoking became in that same light. So I think my new view of smoking will keep me smoke free in the future. Plus, I would never EVER smoke around mine or anyone else’s child.

Craig is pretty much an ex-everything but yeah, being an former smoker lends considerable cred to his little PSA there. He considers himself primarily a recovering alcoholic. He’s said that the only reason he did coke was so he could drink all night.