So, I turned 50 today.

Meh. Most stuff still works, some stuff doesn’t.

I just didn’t want a half a century to pass without a mundane and pointless virtual marker.

You’re 50?

You type like someone half your age.

Happy Birthday and many, many healthy more!

Welcome to the club! There is life after 50 - at least till 51. I’ll let you know in January about 52! :smiley:

Happy B-Day!!!

You say it’s your birthday
Well, it’s my birthday, too, yeah.

Seriously, it is. I’m 42 today.

Happy birthday!

Wow, I am almost half you age, exactly, well my birthday was Sunday, but close enough

If, in the next couple of weeks, you feel a strong compulsion to hijack a Cafe Society thread, take my advice and refrain from doing so. It there’s anything to the theory about history repeating itself, you could become the subject of a 10 page pit rant and end up with you getting suspended.

50 isn’t so bad. And I say that as someone who was unemployed when I had my 50th birthday.

Let’s check in at 55.


Happy birthday, koeeoaddi! :slight_smile:

Happy Birthday to You!!!
I too will be joining you in under a year… well under.

I turn 50 on Monday. They sent me a letter–should I join? What do I get, really? They promised me juicy, life-enhancing, amazingly valuable discounts; is that true? Or do I basically just get a membership card that, when produced at Hickory Point Cinemas, will cause the teenaged help to burst into mocking laughter?

Happy birthday, you young whippersnapper!

(Dunno on the AARP thing – I’ve decided to wait till I stop getting zits before I join. )

Happy Birthday!!!


Fifty’s cool. You get to say “I’m not too old for that,” when something fun is on the agenda, yet you gain a little credibility when you decline to help a coworker’s son-in-law move a piano. The local Goodwill here starts giving senior discounts at 50, too. :wink:

Many many happy returns!

Happy Birthday!

Here is the bike I bought myself for my 50th birthday. That made my 50th birthday one of the best days ever!

And a Happy Birthday to You!


Remember the wise words of J. B. Priestley: “One of the delights known to age, and beyond the grasp of youth, is that of Not Going.”

Congrats! I loved turning 50 (seven years ago) because it was the beginning of Senior Discounts. I’m always delighted to claim a discount when one is available. At least there are some good points to being a geezer! The best part is when they ask for proof of age because they don’t believe you look like a “senior.” I never get tired of that.

Crap on a cracker, Mr. Blue Sky. I knew it was your birthday from one of those old birthday threads. I was going to mention it in my OP and I forgot. The very essence of oldbatdom. Happy birthday!

I bought myself a haircut. I was going for a jaunty Meg Ryan kind of thing, but wound up with a District Bank Manager helmet, instead. An improvement over what I had, but not all I had hoped for.

Thanks everyone for your good wishes! I’m touched. I’m verklempt. I’m off to the Pit to hijack a thread so I can be canonized in an 8 page Cafe thread. I have that wrong, don’t I?

Happy Birthday!