Or at least I THINK I finished Skyrim, in that my Lvl41 “Sneaky Archer” completed the main story arcs, (Crushed the rebellion and Killed Alduin) but now what?
After killing Alduin it seems that every area on the map is now visible to me, even areas I’d never previously explored. I went to one of those unexplored caves, killed all the Falmer within, and exited only to think, “Is that all there is? I get to travel to far points N,S,E & W completing miscellaneous missions…? Ugh.” That coupled with the fact that the General & Legate told me after Ulfric’s death that I was free to mop up the rebellion. Only problem with that is there’s always ONE person in those rebel camps who will only take a knee, and cannot be killed. If you stay away long enough everyone at those camps respawn.
I’ve been thinking of playing thru again as an “Evil Mage”, and side with the rebels, and generally do the bad things I steered clear of in my first play-thru.
So, can someone tell me if after the rebellion/Alduin is the game pretty much finished?
I’d say the two main story line quests are finished. There’s still the thieves guild quests, the companions, bards college, mages college, dark brotherhood, daedric quests, and all the various side quests you’ve picked up along the way. You can always finish any of those. Play through and raise any crafting skills you haven’t done yet (Smithing and Enchanting can help you pimp your gear when maxed).
I guess it just depends on how much stuff you haven’t done and what you want to get done.
This, pretty much - some of the guild quest-lines are about as good as the main storyline and definitely better than the fairly straightforward rebellion questline. I’d rather them Dark Brotherhood > Thieves Guild > Mage’s Guild > Companions, though of course YMMV. And if you feel your sneaky archer isn’t fitting character to do some of those or if you are otherwise feeling too powerful or bored of the playstyle, you could do those guild quests with a new character. Maybe kick up the difficulty a notch.
I actually had more fun with my second character when I knew what I wanted to do and did the better guild storylines, and skipped all the grinding (smithing, enchanting, spamming some spell skills to get them up).
I finished off Alduin two days ago, and the civil war quest last week. I’m Arch-Mage, leader of the Companions, Listener for the Night Mother, and a Nightingale for the Thieves Guild. Right now I’m just aiming to get all the achievements(7 more to go) which looks to be a bit time consuming. After I get all my achievements, I’m going to go back and finish getting all my Oblivion achievements, interspersed with getting my Dragon Age achievements. By the time I wrap that up, hopefully I will have decided on the next game. Probably LA Noir or Enslaved: Odyssey To The West, depending on which is cheaper used at my local Game Stop:)
Yeah, I did all of the questlines you mentioned (Thieves; Companions; etc) except the Dark Brotherhood quests (I killed their leader rather than attempt to pass the ‘pick-the-one-who-deserves-to-die’ initiation) and the Daedric quests. (For some reason the first ‘Anti-Daedric’ I saw attacked me, so from that moment on I attacked them on sight.)
I’ve deleted all my saved games, and restarted the game as a High Elf who I hope to have specialize in Conjuration magic. Though, I am curious exactly how welcome he’ll be in places where the worship of Talos is still allowed, and whether he’ll be welcomed by the Thalmor.
Try mods
3a) Buy for PC if you’re playing on console
Restart with a completely different build
Play another game and come back to it, doing one of the above.
If you did the MQ, Civil War, and all factions, I might recommend the quest which give you permanent abilities. Things like Agent of Mara/Dibella, Frostflow Lighthouse, Avanchnzel (sp? not as scary as I hoped…), Sinderion’s Secrets, etc.
Mann, I’m not sure if your race ever prevents you from doing certain things, although you might get comments. In past games being a certain race (e.g. an Orc around Malacath) made things easier, but not impossible. Certain Altmer hate the Thalamor, like Faralda I think.
Collect all the torches, skulls and troll skulls in the game and thrown them (one at a time, so they don’t stack) onto the floor in your house and turn it into the McDonald’s Ball Pit from Hell.