So, Should I Send My Son To Harvard or Yale?

My six-month-old son just said “mama!” He saw how pleased I was, and kept doing it. My three-year-old daughter thinks it’s cool, and she’s trying to get him to say her name now. He’s trying. It keeps coming out “blkgrthpld,” but he’ll get it right eventually.


This is my new sig. Thank Wally. It was his idea.
“I made my husband join a bridge club. He jumps next Tuesday.”

I suggest M.I.T…or my alma mater :slight_smile:

I was just about to say something tremendously poignant and witty concerning the nucleotide series and the role of base G codon overlaps vs. Gamow’s original diamond coding hypothesis, but then I thought, Gee, what a cute kid . . .
Dr. Watson
“No matter how much Jell-O you put in the pool, you still can’t walk on water.”

Dr. Watson: I caught him reading a book about that very subject yesterday. :smiley:

This is my new sig. Thank Wally. It was his idea.
“I made my husband join a bridge club. He jumps next Tuesday.”

It’s pretty clear to me that the, “mama,” reference is actually a cleverly coded message: “MA. MA. (Preferably Cambridge, ya big dummy, and quit makin’ them goofy faces at me and get ta work on my trust fund.)”

Of course, I’ve been wrong before.

Dr. Watson
“You probably don’t want to know what that odor is.”

definitely MIT.

Nah… any Princetonian would recognize the secret code word “blkgrthpld”.

He must be a tiger. :slight_smile:

This kid has got to go to Notre Dame.

He’ll have God on his side.

If he’s reading Chaucer withing three weeks, send him to Harvard. If he still saying “mama” when he’s a teenager, Yale.

If I’m typing English within a year, I’ll be surprised.


This is getting hard. Somebody relieve me. (A Wallian exclamation)

I’m from Michigan. Sending a child from Michigan to Notre Dame is considered child abuse. :wink:

This is my new sig. Thank Wally. It was his idea.
“I made my husband join a bridge club. He jumps next Tuesday.”

Awww, Cristi, that’s so precious!

My vote goes to UCLA because you’ll have to come out here to visit him! :smiley:

Besides, they have a great medical school, and what mother doesn’t want her son to grow up to be a doctor?

Oh, you’re not Jewish, you say? Nevermind. :wink:

“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” - Anne Frank

“Mom, he’s a neo Nazi! He’s a doctor also? Well…” - WallyM7

Send him to Florida State, Cristi. When he graduates, he might be able to spell “MAMA”, but he will be able to drink his weight in beer.

…send lawyers, guns, and money…

       Warren Zevon

If you can teach your son a little French, send him to McGill, for no other reason than the student center is named after William Shatner.

Definitely Yale. Harvard sucks!

Harvard may suck, but Yale swallows…

ba dum crash

(actually, we used to have T-shirts that claimed the reverse)

Soon to be called Hall

Did someone say my name?

Ah it depends. Let him decide.

Yale, so he can join the Skull & Bones, like George Bush, and grow up to be President. (Much better if he could join the Elizbethan Club, but they’re more selective.)

“there’s nary a dog alive can outrun a greased Scotsman”

send him to my fine seat of learning, Dundalk Institute of Technology, Where he can learn many great tricks, including, how to get drunk without any money and how to graduate with something as worthless as wet toilet paper.
not that I’m bitter or anything…

**Id rather be no one than someone with no one **