So, What if I wanted to be The POTUS?

No, I’m not looking to staff my cabinet with Dopers. Well, not that I wouldn’t want to, and I’m sure I could make a few picks right now that couldn’t be any worse than we currently suffer. But my pathology is deeper than that. I wonder what I’d need to do in order to get myself considered as a legitemate Democratic candidate for The Big Chair.

What do you think would be a good career path to get there?

Have you been in any local government? Anything at all? Better start with that, methinks. Also some law, or political science behind you. And you better not have any major drugs in your background. Or major scandals.

Don’t forget - better be born in this country.

No drugs, no alcohol-related incidents, no police record…well, I got a couple speeding tickets last year. Could probably get a TS clearance again if I wanted it.

Plus, the basics: white, male, over 35, Christian (not Catholic) but not rabidly so, lawyer, financially secure. Oh, and bury those skeletons. Bury them deep.

What’s a TS - Top Secret?

Well, you’re off to a good start. Get yourself elected governor of your state first.

And come up with excuses for when they come out anyway.

waves Hi, Ethilrist!

Start running for local office. Do lots of favors for other politicians once you start to rise, so that you have chits to pull in. Once you’ve got some statewide recognition, run for governor or the U.S. Senate. (Governor seems to be better of late to run for President, unless you think you could parlay a Senate seat into a VP nomination.) There you go.

White male, 38, not X-ian, but not overtly “other”. I have X-ian parents, I could fake it. No law background, but I am a veteran with 0 purple hearts and expertise in the ME theatre (yeah, TS=Top Secret. My call sign was Dark Angel. I rather liked it). Only skeletons anyone would know about are a Chapter 7 following a couple failed business ventures and what is documented as clinical depression under ongoing treatment. heh…nobody knows about the accompanying schizo-affective disorder nor the full extent of the “complications” last year. It could all be downplayed easily enough if recent coke-tooting, DUI-having, AWOL/Draft-evaders are any indication. I could still resurrect the marriage if I had too even.
Start Running For Local Office: Uh…like what? I hear FEMA’s hiring.

Oh yeah, I’m straight, but I think faggots are human beings too.

And I don’t say nuk-u-lar.

Well, they do now. First tip, don’t put stuff like that out where God and anybody can find it. :slight_smile:

Whew! Good news. On the gay thing. Forgot to mention that one.


What is required for the President to get a security clearance? Is there a background check?

What if he didn’t pass? Is that possible?

There’s currently a thread about how to get a TS clearance, presumably it would be something the candidate would have taken care of for at least a governor or congressman position. So while it’s almost certainly required for POTUS, odds are every (viable) candidate would have one already. In brief, yes, there is a (EEXTTEENNSSIIVVEE) background check for a TS. The biggest boogeyman that gets in the way of a TS is how suceptible you may be to blackmail, and that usually gets determined by finding derogatory stuff that you didn’t disclose fully in the application & interview process. Basically: is this guy a liar? And does he seem to be irresponsible? Hm…must not be anairtight process.

Go to your city or county’s website and scope out the local boards. We have tons of local elective boards in this state - water districts, fire districts, etc - or you could set your sights on city council or county commissioner. Or volunteer for something politically oriented. The most important thing is to make yourself known, to make connections.

Don’t forget, you should be an expect of strateegery. That really helped the current POTUS.

expect was suppose to be expert. sorry.

This is the deal-breaker. “Mental illness,” “unstable,” etc. I’m sure you’re fine now, but the whisper campaign won’t care.

I’m not worried about it. The condition is not well known to any acquaintances who’d discuss it, my mom is in complete denial about it, and records get lost all the time.

You should probably get some practice blowjobs in as well. :stuck_out_tongue:
btw, I’ve been busy as hell but I got the email, I’ll be catching up with you soon.

Good. I’ll be needing you to work on my campaign tune.