So What's for Dinner Tonight? (2020 Anything Goes Edition)

Boneless chicken breast marinated overnight in red wine vinegar, minced garlic, course ground mustard, lime, lemon, olive oil, salt and pepper, steamed baby red potatoes and yellow hominy.

I just finished some tofu, rice, and vegetables in a peanut sauce. Nothing fancy; it was a kit.

Had refried beans with the tacos and an orange. The tacos were actually cooked by my visiting masked daughter, and I think it was the first home-cooked meal that was made by somebody other than myself since 2019. What a treat!

Last night my gf threw together a meal using what we had on hand and it turned out pretty good. Of course we’ll never have it again, since there was no recipe.

It was a sauté of delicata squash, onions, peppers, and chicken, served over rigatoni.

I found a Publix recipe card hanging around my kitchen and decided to give it a whirl (with some changes, of course, of course). So we had a sausage, zucchini, tomato sauté over yellow rice, garnished with kalamata olives and capers. Husband said it was a keeper!

Tonight probably frozen pierogies.

Last night was General Tso’s Cauliflower (General Tso’s Chicken with cauliflower instead of chicken) and a Big Fat Greek Salad.

My favorite way to make pork chops is breaded. Do flour, eggwash, and breadcrumbs, with seasonings in both the flour and breadcrumbs. Keeps them from drying out. Then I bake them in a convection oven at 425 for 15 on one side, 12 on the other, preferably on a silicone baking mat. Comes out crisp on the outside, tender and juicy on the inside.

Made Mongolian Beef last night. First time I had done that recipe in over a decade, and the first time at home rather than at a restaurant. Turned out pretty good, though I may pull back a bit on the brown sugar next time, was just a bit sweeter than I was looking for.

Doing chili tonight, be only the second time I’ve made it outside of a restaurant. Last time turned out well enough, but I think I’ll use a bit less kidney beans this time.

Windex dressing?

Thanks - I’ll have to give that a try sometime. Seems like something my limited skills ought to be able to cope with!

Tonight we’re having ham slow-cooked in Coca-Cola. I think we’ve tried it in both Coke Zero and Original, and I don’t think I could really tell the difference - anyone have any strong views on that?

The Fish & Chips thread made me crave fish sticks and tartar sauce. So that’s what’s for dinner tonight. Also there’s these new frozen potato scoop things I’ve not tried yet. So that’ll be the chips part. Arugula salad, prolly too.

:confused:That totally went over my head. :man_cook: The Big Fat Greek Salad is stolen from a bar/restaurant that in before-times had it on their menu. I made a modified vinaigrette dressing.

It’s from the movie, “My Big Fat Greek Wedding”, where the father uses windex for purposes it wasn’t designed. So why not a salad? :slight_smile:

Cool, thanks! Now I’ll have to see the movie. A friend of ours is a big, fat Greek and a good friend of the restaurant owner.

Breakfast for dinner tonight. Waffles, scrambled eggs, bacon, and fruit. I also made chili today for dinner tomorrow. We’ll probably have a cucumber salad with that.

I did a lot of prep, but ended up putting it back in the fridge to cook tomorrow. Instead, I had gefilte fish, coleslaw, and an orange. Pretty boring.

Lemon spaghetti.

Thai coconut curry rice noodle bowls with fresh fixins and side of spring rolls. I deference to the memory of my sainted grandmother, I won’t say it’s more comforting than her chicken soup with matzo balls, but it’s a photo finish.

I was contemplating making turkey soup, but decided to go with the beer/sausage/cheese soup I’d frozen a couple of weeks ago. Some bread sticks on the side.

Salmon steak, roasted butternut squash, and mashed potatoes and parsnips. Bring on your butternut squash recipes! We have several of them from our CSA on the back porch. The rest of tonight’s squash will probably become soup for lunch tomorrow, but there are plenty more where that one came form, and there are only two of us!

(I could also use some beet and/or sweet potato recipes that are easy to scale down. We have tons of them, and Tom Scud can’t eat them.)

Hah! I was planning on making this for dinner: (it doesn’t seem to be behind the paywall today)