So when's the next DFW dopefest?

I’m moving to Longview in three weeks, after all. I hope to be welcomed by my neighbors to the two-or-three-hours-to-the-west. Hop, skip and a long jump up Interstate 20.

Gunslinger and I would love to go to a Dopefest if there’s gonna be one.


I’m new to the board - when was the last one?

Sorry, been having cable trouble so I haven’t been here much.

This group can use almost any excuse to put together an Adams Family Gathering. We haven’t been very active lately, I don’t know why. Just let us know when you would likely be able to come here and we’ll put something together.

The last few things have just been dinner and drinks and a midnight movies. But we do a lot of different things.

It will be good to have some new people involved.

So, racinchikki, you and Gunslinger pick a good time and we’ll do something. … And Blonde, I hope you’ll join us too.

Bring it on!