Now there’s already a thread to discuss his guilt or innocence but now it looks like the papers used against him were very likely forged. This of course raises the question who raised them? Every explanation i can think of seems pretty farfetched, then again so was the original alligation. Anyone got any ideas who would want to frame a british MP?
My personal opinion on this:
This is not a forgery by the Americans (if it was, why would it target a British politician and not an American one?). It also is somewhat doubtful that it was created by the British (under Britain’s criminal libel law, the forger could end up in jail.). This, most likely, was the creation of some Iraqi oppositionist, and, moreover, was not known to be fake by either the CSM or the Daily Telegraph.
Just for the record - the CSM documents may be fake but the Telegraph is emphatically standing by its own story. Galloway has as yet issued no writ against the paper.
I can think of a million people who would love to frame this deeply unpleasant man, but few who would be stupid enough to forge documents or be taken in by them. But perhaps Galloway wrote the CSM docs himself?! The fakery-exposure has done Galloway a big favour and casts doubt on the Telegraph story.
It seems to me that Galloway is very clever (in a narrow way) has a massive ego, is very aggressive, supremely self-righteous, absolutely convinced that he, and only he, is right, and equally convinced that his views and his affairs are the most important thing in the world today. A frightening cocktail. A shame that anyone tried forgery - with a little patience we should be able to stand back and watch as this man is consumed by his hatred for his own party and his country.
PS I don’t work for the Telegraph or the Government and was ambivalent about the Iraq war
A lot of the evidence seems to hinge on the ink analysis. Any chance that the Iraqis, being short of Xerox machines, fair-copied documents?