"So You Think You Can Dance" 7/25

Apparently the first hour tonight is a rerun of last Thursday’s show.

“sob” “sob” “sob” Dimitri “sob” “sob” “sob” :frowning:

Ooh, Donyelle and Travis – there’s a pairing!

Hey! Can someone fix the date in the subject??

The phone lines were busy just now for both Donyelle and Benji.

I voted multiple times for a bunch of people. I voted for Allison, Heidi, and Benji a lot, Allison the most. Voted a couple times for Natalie and Travis.

My favorites are Allison, Benji, Heidi, and Travis in that order. Even though I love both Natalie and Donyelle, I think the other two did better tonight. Benji’s the obvious guy favorite, Ryan will go home, and I like Ivan a lot but not enough to vote for. I think Natalie will leave with Ryan.

We’re really at the point now where everybody’s good and it sucks to have people leave. The wifey is very interested in the show that they’re going to bring around the country.

Regarding the dances (where are the solos? tomorrow, when it doesn’t matter?):
Benji & Heidi did great both times. Allison & Ivan did great both times. The judges came down really hard on Ryan’s disco, I guess I agree, but the contemporary was good. If Natalie does go, it’ll suck, because she really is a great dancer. I liked the mask hip-hop from Donyelle & Travis.

Benji and Heidi blew the competition out of the water tonight. That samba was magnificent.
Their energy, enthusiasm and skill are just unsurpassed.

I also liked the mask routine. Kept your interest from beginning to end.

The hip hop by Ivan and Allison was also extremely good, nice to see a softer side of hip hop.

Probably the worst routine tonight was the quickstep by Travis and Donyelle. Stiff and slow.

Ryan should be the next to go along with Donyelle. But Donyelle seems to have a large following, so possibly Natalie will go instead.

My daughter made a good point about eliminations. Since they eliminate one guy and one girl each week, they should have one girl and one guy as the winners. If there is only one winner, then the lowest vote getters should go each week regardless of gender.

Am really liking the shows now that they are having two routines, much more dancing and not all that annoying filler crap.

While I liked Travis and Donyelle’s mask hip-hop, it gave me the creeps! It was clever and very theatrical. . . but I’m still a little queasy about it. Their quick step was underwhelming. That dance is so damn hard, it maybe should be kept out of a competition like this.

Ivan and Allison were pretty spiffy in both their dances. Ivan wasn’t as good in this tango as he was in their first tango. Maybe it was just that that first performance was such a shock of the Omigod-This-Kid-CAN-Dance variety. Their hip-hop was so different and so good. . . I loved it!

But the hands-down winner of tonight’s show was Benjie and Heidi! They do have a leg-up on the other contestants, though, since they’re cousins and have danced together before! It sure looks like these two can do any dance that’s thrown at them. (Maybe we should let them try a quick step!)

Poor Ryan and Natalie. First there was that ugly disco dance with its totally hideous costuming. Then there was that icky contemporary thing. I’m back to hating contemporary. Both dancers should pack up their gear cuz I think they’re heading home tomorrow.

And I absolutely LOVED Cat’s teal dress!!!


Heidi and Benji were astonishing last night. Yeah, they’ve been partners for years, and yeah, they both come out of ballroom – but geez freakin’ louise, they took no prisoners with that samba. That was absolutely the coolest thing ever.

And, yeah, I would definitely be interested in seeing a live show – esp. if that number were in it!

I’m sensing a Dopefest in the making. :wink:

Seriously, I am at the point where I would just marry Benji. If he doesn’t win this whole thing, I’ll be incredibly shocked. Did anybody else see the “Benji, Father my child!” sign? :eek:

I was disappointed in Donyelle last night. Not as good as I’m used to seeing from her, but I don’t think she’s going home tonight. Ryan, on the other hand–poor guy almost does it for me every week, but always lets me down somehow.

Oh yeah, absolutely, that would be very fun. You coming down to Philly or am I going up to NYC?

Donyelle’s dress bothered me in the quick step. I know this is going to sound horrible, but I spent the dance watching her butt! :eek: She’s so curvaceous and it was distracting me. The woman can dance, though. I loved the mask bit and had to disagree strongly with the judges. I think taking their faces away FORCED you to look only at the dancing. That was the point!

Benji is still the best out there in my opinion. And when he got someone he already knew as a partner, the fire just flared. Marvelous. I just can’t get behind the other dancers like I can with him.

As someone else mentioned, where were the solos? I was looking forward to them. So I suppose we’ll get them tonight when they won’t count for anything.

There was something else I was going to mention in previous threads, but kept slipping my mind… The format made it so your favorites were ‘safe’, but we never got to see them dance! Benji and Donyelle were safe every week, so we only got to see them a limited number of times. I like this new portion because at least we are getting a chance to see more than one quickie by each couple. I do wish they’d let the dancers pick their own dances one week. I want to see them at their strongest as well.

I enjoyed almost of all the dances except the disco. They really ought to get rid of that choreographer. All her dances look like something right out of a high school musical.

I enjoyed Donyelle and Travis’ mask dance. It wasn’t fair of Nigel to criticize them for it because they didn’t choreograph it. It was entertaining at least.

I agree with Bogette about Donyelle’s dress. It didn’t flatter her at all and her butt actually jiggled at times. She should stay away from shiny material. Too bad because she’s a beautiful woman.

Allison is just cute as a button. I think it’s Ivan’s last week, though. He just doesn’t cut it as a leading man.

Natalie’s dress on that contemporary number looked exactly like her other dresses. What’s up with that? Ryan did great technique wise, once again, but he still doesn’t emote.

What more can be said of Benjy and Heidi. They knocked it out of the ballpark. They do have an edge being partners already and they ought to have rules that level the playing field, yet…it was an incredible dance.

Mary didn’t fool anyone for a second when she started off pretending to be “disappointed” in the 99 spins. No one’s buying your act anymore, Mary, so knock it off.

Nigel is practically orgasmic at having the show renewed next year.

My guess: Donyelle and Ivan will go tonight.


The guy was no surprise.

They’ve all got some noteworthy competitors and no one should be ashamed to go.

I was surprised Travis, not Ivan, was in the bottom two – guess he’s got some serious teenage girl fannery action.

Damn, I can’t believe I’m going to miss next week … I’ll be on vacation sans TV.

Alison leaving was a total shock! Ryan? Not so much. I thought the most interesting thing during the actual eliminations was the look on Ivan’s face as Alison was announced as the leaver.

And I just wish Nigel would quit crowing about how SYTYCD is #1 and the “most TIVO-ed” show. AMERICA’S GOT TALENT beat SYTYCD again head to head last week. And I don’t think the measurement has been created yet to determine what’s being TIVO-ed or not, especially not in overnight ratings.

What interested me more was Travis’s reaction. I was glad to see Allison dance a completely different number for her routine. Either Travis put on a good show (he’s good at that sort of thing) or they’re sweet on each other.

I was kind of hoping Natalie would go, for her own emotional state more than anything. She’s been bawling for 3 straight weeks now.

Screw you America. Allison’s awesome. That’s all I’ve got to say about Thursday’s show. I will not be voting for any of the remaining ladies. I think it should have gone Allison vs. Heidi head-to-head in a couple weeks.

I can not believe that Allison was punted. I found myself staring at the TV with my jaw on the floor thinking, “Natalie stays and Allison goes??? WTF?” I think Allison was the best female all-around dancer. Just too weird. And I think Natalie was resigned to leave. She looked like she was walking to her own execution until Allison was announced. I’m still thinking they got the numbers mixed up!

Guess Natalie has more people with speed dial programmed.

The look on Travis’ face when Allison got booted just about broke my heart. :frowning:

Allison got major points last night for the poise with which she handled the (utterly inconceivable) news.

Isn’t Allison only 18? She’ll be back.