
I think the appropriate question at this point is, “What do we really deserve?”

Oops!! My mistake, I hit the wrong key. I meant to post this under the thread “Life is unfair…” Sorry guys.


Sheesh. It matters to me.

So . . . so what ??

iceprincess, you need to stop these so/so posts.


So sew a sow some socks.

Seriously. Pigs get cold feet too, you know. The peril of living in a damp muddy environment.

Luther Blisset is Everyman.
So Smile.

That was a pretty good album, but I dig Peter Gabriel’s older stuff a bit more.

Yer pal,

Still not smoking, but away from my meter!

Old Peter Gabriel, great, new Gabriel not near as good.

Nice call Satan.

There’s not a single grey hair on my soul,
nor senile tenderness either.
I’ve shaken the world with my voice’s power:
There I go handsome,
Twenty-two years old


1so "so, esp before adj or adv followed by “that” se\ adverb [ME, fr. OE swa; akin to OHG so so, L sic so, thus, si if, Gk hos so, thus, L suus one’s own — more at suicide] (bef. 12c)
1 a : in a manner or way indicated or suggested <do you really think so> — often used as a substitute for a preceding clause <are you ready? I think so> <I didn’t like it and I told her so>
b : in the same manner or way : also <worked hard and so did she>
c : thus <for so the Lord said — Isa 18:4 (AV)>
d : then, subsequently <and so home and to bed>
2 a : to an indicated or suggested extent or degree <had never been so happy>
b : to a great extent or degree : very, extremely <loves her so>
c : to a definite but unspecified extent or degree <can only do so much in a day>
d : most certainly : indeed <you did so do it>
3 : therefore, consequently <the witness is biased and so unreliable>

The intensive use of so (sense 2b) is widely condemned in college handbooks but is nonetheless standard <why is American television so shallow? — Anthony Lewis> <the cephalopod eye is an example of a remarkable evolutionary parallel because it is so like the eye of a vertebrate — Sarah F. Robbins> <the kind of sterile over-ingenuity which afflicts so many academic efforts — Times Lit. Supp.>. There is no stigma attached to its use in negative contexts and when qualified by a dependent clause <not so long ago> <was so good in mathematics that he began to consider engineering — Current Biog.>. The denotation in these uses is, of course, slightly different (see sense 2a).

©1996 Zane Publishing, Inc. and Merriam-Webster, Incorporated. All rights reserved.

Ummm, when do we start shooting up the school?