Software that polls multiple yahoo mail accounts

I’ve got several different free email accounts at Yahoo, and it’s getting to the point that it’s a major chore to separately log into each one to see if I’ve got any mail.

Is there any software for Windows that I can enter my Yahoo login info for all the different accounts and have it poll them all to see if any have new mail? It doesn’t need to poll that often; once an hour or so is sufficient, and it should let me adjust the rate down that slow if it isn’t already that way by default. It would be nice if it just adds an icon down in the system tray whenever I have new mail, and if I hover over it, it tells me which account(s) have new mail waiting. I don’t need to have it pop up in my face immediately when it detects new mail.

*** Ponder

A quick Googling led me to this site. On skimming, it sounds like this program does exactly what you want it to do – though it’s $19.95.

I use a free program called ePrompter that I believe does exactly what you want.

Thanks for the quick responses. My google-foo didn’t come up with decent keywords to find what I wanted, but after looking at that site atomicbadgerrace provided, that told me the right keywords I should have been searching with all along, and I found the freeware Pop Peeper which had a decent no-adware rating.

Thanks too Baraqiyal; I’m currently testing Pop Peeper, and if that doesn’t work out, I’ll try the one you posted.

*** Ponder

I would be surprised if Thunderbird can’t handle this.

I am pretty sure it can - I have it successfully checking 2 Hotmail accounts every 10 minutes and I know there is a Yahoo webmail add-on too.

Yahoo has silently added POP access to a lot of accounts. Try just setting up your email client to do that. Or try signing up for Yahoo Mail Plus. If you get a message to the effect that it wasn’t available, you now have POP access for free.

Hint: clean out your spam folder first.

I’ve discovered a new requirement that I didn’t think to specify before: The software has to be able to check other folders besides the inbox for new mail. Neither Pop Peeper nor ePrompter can do this.

Pop Peeper was very nice. It had a nice slick interface and all the customization I could ask for, and if it wasn’t limited to just looking in my inbox folder, I’d be happy with it. But I already rely on Yahoo’s pre-filtering feature extensively and I don’t want to give that up.

ePrompter was… amateurish. It had a very clumsy cartoony interface, and it’s apparently adware supported. It’s also limited in the number of accounts it can check. It also wasn’t able to tell that I’d already read all the items in my inbox, and just kept insisting I had new mail, so that killed it for me right there, regardless of its other problems. And what were the designers thinking when they had it put its icon in the VERY top of my start menu (along with Run, Search, Settings, etc). I’ve never seen an install that did that before… very disconcerting.

I checked a couple of my main accounts to see if I had the silently-added POP, and apparently I don’t.

So how does Thunderbird compare? The ability to watch the Yahoo folders other than the inbox is quite critical. I’m on a number of different mailing lists, and I use that feature to keep it all sorted for me.

*** Ponder

Link it to a Hotmail account and let Internet Explorer handle it? That’s how I do it.

Hmm. I guess I must be special. It seems I’ve read about this mostly from UK folks. I did do one odd thing a while back. The beta for the new email interface was offered to the UK before the US. However, anyone could get in on it if you changed the default location in your Yahoo profile to the UK, and I did that. I’ve changed it back to the US since then.

If you wanted to give it one last try, you could change your location and see if that affects anything. No idea if it’ll work, though.

Nope. I just tried switching the country (“preferred content” in the profile) on another Yahoo account I have and it didn’t work. I guess I just got lucky on that account.

<Emily Litella>
Never mind.
</Emily Litella>