Solosam, you are a lazy liar

In Spain, our pepper spray is made from pimiento najerano peppers.

Dammit. How do I keep fucking this up?

Well, I should say that Inner Stickler sent me my first creepy PM on the Dope, ever (though I have gotten a couple of racist ones). So thank you for that, IS.

We need a pepper spray smilie now.

Yay! I’m a creepster! Wait…
Bob/Left, that last one was too perfectly timed. I’m beginning to grow suspicious.

First, in that one thread about lawyers, no one mentioned me. And I checked, like, a bunch. Now I realize I should have been getting creepy PMs and haven’t. Have I made NO impression on you people!!!

Fuck all you fugly, slut-felching fuckers. That is all.

I also can’t think of any funny sock names.


That is about 10 kinds of awesome, Nzinga.

(My sock is named Akumano Inu. Or was. I put him in the wash a while ago, and haven’t seen him since.)

You guys are killing me!

And a certain other poster has been suspiciously absent from this thread! ¡Calcetínes!

Just for the record, though, Heart of Dorkness is not my sock. Even though our names are suspiciously similar and she did just compliment me.


I mean… never mind.

The problem with this is, well, how would you know it was from Cashew and not the mystery hacker?
We need to keep a look out for The Solo Creepy Pmer

Easy. All the normal posts are from cashew. All the ones he wants to take back are from the hacker.


Maybe everyone in this thread is Cashew’s sock… Quick Marley run an IP trace.

And on that day, 10+ doper-names met with the banhammer…

Logged in on the wrong account?

Heart of Dorkness
Left Hand of Dorkness
Right Hand of Dorkness
Feet of Dorkness
The Colon of Dorkness…

There’s a portal behind my building that, if you step through it, lets you take control of The Lone Cashew’s SDMB account for about fifteen minutes.

“Being Sam Cashew”

I miss sam. Anybody else miss sam?

Shaddup, **gamerunknown **

Gas pimienta. Sorry, it’s the Dope.


I mean