Finally, I have a substantial problem and need suggestions.
I have a Winix HR900 air purifier. The unit performs very well for me. It’s efficient, very quiet, and does a great job removing pet hair and dirt from my den. I have a dog door in an outside door in the den, so I get an above-average amount of windborne dust and dirt that needs to be removed. I change the pre-filter at least every 30 days…and, believe me, they are gross.
My problem is this: The pre-filters, which are basically lightweight sheets of woven/pressed fibers, are installed on a pre-filter frame using self-adhesive strips. Peel off the protective paper on the four edges of the new pre-filter and apply it to the pre-filter frame. The purifier came with several spare pre-filters and I was easily able to peel off the used ones and replace them with new ones. Life is good.
I’ve now tried three brands of after-market pre-filters. (It does not appear that I can buy original Winix replacements.) They filter the air just fine, BUT the self-adhesive strips basically disintegrate when I try to peel off the used pre-filter. At best, they leave a very gummy and sticky residue on all four edges of the frame. At worst, they actually leave parts of the plastic tape itself (along with a very gummy and sticky residue). This is obviously a problem, as the residue attracts and holds all the hair and crap passing through the filter.
I have tried removing the residue each time I change the pre-filter. Totally not worth the effort. It takes a scraper, a hair dryer, Goo-Gone, and 20-30 minutes to remove it. If I ignore it, I just get more layers of crap, along with larger globs of hair and dust.
Does anyone have any suggestions? Keep in mind, the adhesive strips keep the air from by passing the filter, so they have a real role. If not, I’d just leave the protective strips in place and use a couple pieces of cellophane tape to hold the filter in place.
Maybe if I dust the adhesive strips lightly with talc when I put them on? Maybe I can put some other kind of tape on the edges of the frame and the self-adhesive tape on the pre-filters won’t stick to it as much?
Original Winix pre-filters cost three times as much as the cheap knock-offs, but they still look like a great deal now…if I can find any.