Something Weird is going on with the board...

I want to document this just in case the situation changes.

In the BBQ Pit, there is a thread titled NeedsToKnow, You Should Be Ashamed!, started by goboy, stating that the last post to the thread was made by SPOOFE on 5-29-2001 at 5:05am (I set the board to display times in Eastern).

Yet the last post, while made by SPOOFE, didn’t occur today at 5:05am. No, it was made on the 4th of May at 4:20pm.

This glitch is just plain wierd, and I’m sure the tech guys will love to put this in the “Believe It or Not” file.

Good lord. I’ve come into ATMB twice in my SDMB career, and this would be my third trip. I came here with the particular intent of informing the mods of that exact thread. It confused the hell out of me, and now someone has come to steal my thunder!

So, I guess I can only second SterlingNorth with a WTF?!?

I saw it too, and wondered. So you weren’t hallucinating.

WAG: someone posted to it and the post got deleted.

Decent WAG, picmr. I don’t know if it’s the answer, but that would be my uneducated guess too. Maybe there’s a Pit Mod with the answer?

DITWD posted to it, and I deleted the post and banned his new SN. When I ban someone, that means that I don’t want to see any further posts from that person, unless s/he has grovelled sufficiently and convinced one or more of the administrators that s/he will behave if allowed to resume posting. I’ve had several banned people want to be re-instated…but very, VERY few would admit to wrongdoing, and only a couple would promise not to do it again. Which is why you see so very few unbanned people.


I have to admit a “newbie question” based on what Lynn just said. How come I sometimes see posts from banned persons? Sometimes its an old thread, so I can see that the bulletin board software would keep the old ones for continuity’s sake and add “BANNED” to the user info., but I think I’ve seen this on some newer threads. Am I seeing things, or do some people slip through?

paperbackwriter, you’re probably not seeing things (I assume, anyway).

If a poster is banned, their posts aren’t usually deleted. All of their past posts in most cases will then have “banned” under it (I say ‘most’ because your posting priviledges can be revoked and not necessarily indicate “banned” under your name). It’s like post-counts; it runs through all of their posts. If a poster who posts regularly has been recently banned, then there are probably still a lot of active threads with their posts in them. So that’s what you’re seeing.

However, they’re not usually old posters trying to return, just posters that did something wrong and got banned. I think that this was a special case in that matter, and that’s why it was deleted. I don’t know for sure, but that’s what it seems like to me.

silent rob is right. What happened in this case was that a banned poster returned under a new (but obvious) screen name, and I banned the new screen name and manually pulled the posts of the new screen name.

While the board software IS capable of removing all posts by a user in one fell swoop, this make the software stick out its lower lip and go ::wubbawubbawubba:: so I don’t use that particular feature. This would also leave a lot of non sequitor posts, where people have responded to the banned poster.

I was a little alarmed when I saw the goings-on of the thread mentioned in the OP… I didn’t recall posting to that thread last night. I stared at it, and stared at it, and stared at it… I thought that my brother had accidently posted under my SN again. It took me a while to figure out that a new reply must’ve bumped the thread, then subsequently gotten deleted. I figured this by seeing a thread that was closed (I think it was Euty who closed it?) and referred to Daniel… and then Lynn reopened it again when she mentioned that she banned the offender and deleted the posts.

An odd series of fifteen minutes, let me assure you, wondering if I should E-mail the Admins and say that I thought someone hacked my account.

And now lemme tell you the story of the great Josta shortage of '98…

Silent rob, thanks for the explanation. I kinda though that the posts wouldn’t be retroactively removed. And thanks to Lynn as well, for confirming that. Trust me, Lynn, as a technical writer, I’m very used to software that can “stick out its lower lip and go ::wubbawubbawubba:” In fact, my day wouldn’t be complete if I couldn’t make what I’m working on do that at least once a day…

BTW, I gather that this “DITWD” was somewhat notorious. I lurked for a while before I registered, but I’m not sure who her (or she) was and why they seem to have been so egregiously disruptive. Can some-one fill in the history in 50 words or less? thanks.


DITWD was Danielinthewolvesden, a long-time poster who managed to piss off a lot of people. He wound up getting banned with over 3500 posts. IIRC, his thing was to accuse you of being a Nazi or anti-something if he couldn’t hold up his end of the argument. He was also known for twisting facts around to make them support his argument and misinterpreting things.

I might be missing some important stuff there, because I’ve only been around about a year. Also, I usually don’t get involved in the s**t-slinging in the Pit.

This thread,
Danielinthewolvesden’s Ninth Pit Thread
explains a lot and has a lot of links, if you’re interested in hearing the whole story. Or, do a search on Danielinthewolvesden - especially in the Pit.

So this explains handy. Thanks Lynn! :stuck_out_tongue:

In other words, he was a typical GD poster…

Seriously, though, that’s a pretty negative view of Daniel. Just to briefly present the other side of the story, his accusation was more along the lines of a certain poster believing in “the Big Lie”, rather than directly calling him a nazi. Anyway, he did more than just argue in Great Debates and the BBQ Pit.

And Montfort, as you’ve pointed out, Handy does have a reputation for “drive-by posting.” But you’re starting to earn one yourself, as the poster who finds it necessary to make a reference to Handy in every thread you post to.

Oh, good.

It’s nice to know that there exists an explaination that doesn’t doom me to heavy medications or special homes.

frobozz (are you a CEO of a magic company?), you’ve got it about right. Danieletc. was warned about his behavior, and told that if he so much as breathed heavy he was out of here. While he will claim that this warning was rescinded, it was not. And he continued his ways, and he got banned. When he was still an active poster, I’d get about one letter every other month asking me to consider banning him, from a different person each time. It was clear to me that he was a disruptive element on the message board, and that he would continue to be one.

Montfort, actually, no. Handy manages to make non sequitors all by himself, no help needed!

Starbury, well…I very, very rarely get so many emails asking for someone to be banned. There’s lots of people in GD who debate passionately, but who don’t manage to antagonize so many people.

SterlingNorth, you can still opt for the heavy medications and/or special homes…you just can’t use this as your excuse.

“Sequitor?” Never heard the word; do you mean “sequitur?”

But then, I’m sure there isn’t one user who hasn’t made a so-called ‘drive by posting’ or a sequitur post themselves—