Somethings amok at eBay

Just tried signing in to my account to check on some things I’m selling, and was told my password was incorrect. I know my password and entered it three times. No caps lock or any other problems from my end.

Now, trying to call in I keep getting informed that they can’t take my call by a robo-response.

I tried going to the eBay Security Center, but get a network error.

Finally got to the security message center, and now I’m getting a message that my user ID is invalid, that is certainly not something I’m likely to get wrong.

And I just realized I should have used “amiss”, not “amok” in the thread title.

I was on ebay an hour ago sending a message to a seller. Had no problems at all.

I paid for something on there a couple of hours ago and no issues for me either.

August, when was the last time you successfully signed on?

They had a big problem in May.

Hey, any of you guys need a set of factory Audi mats?

Still not working, spoke to a CS representative and he confirmed they’re having issue with usernames not working.

I’ve been signing in without any problems twice a day for the past 2 weeks. I have a few items ending today and so that’s why this is an issue for me.

I can’t sign on today, either.

I’ve signed on today but parts of it are giving me errors. Their message system, for example.

Nor do they recognize my email address.
I’ve changed my Paypal password, so if they buy anything they can’t pay for it. I’ll wait it out.

I think PastTense may be on to something. After the hacking in May, ebay was constantly encouraging me to change my password which I finally did in late June. Are those of you having problems still using an old password? Maybe ebay has changed something in their user agreement/settings/whatever that gives users difficulty if they haven’t changed it.

My two cents.

Well, so much for my theory.

I think I got lucky, the items I had ending yesterday ended after the problem was fixed (I think).

Given that 99% of the bidding seems to take place in the last minute of the auction, I wanted everyone interested to have the opportunity to bid.

Now let’s discuss why bidding on eBay is so weird. I had one item that ended yesterday, 2 bidders were probing each other for 2 days before the auction, bidding $5 over the other guys high bid, then in the last minute, one of them jumps his high bid by $50. I’m not complaining, but it seems to me he was just driving the price up with the other guy.

I was in yesterday, and it was acting wonky. Long pauses for an update, and odd error messages. I still was able to keep working.

I just had an item that had gone unsold first time round, sell on the re-list, with two bidders getting into a bidding war over it. Ummm, where were either of them the first time round?

When I’m bidding, I decide the maximum price I’m willing to pay and then bid that amount. If it sells for more than that, I look for another one.

However, several people have told me that I’m a fool, and should only bid my maximum price at the very end of the auction. Their claim is that, if I win, I’ll have paid more than I would have otherwise due to others creeping up their bids in an attempt to find my maximum over the course of several days. I suppose that could be true.

Do most of you wait until the last minute, or do you just bid your max at any time during the auction? Or other?

Depends on what it is & how much I want / need it…

Yeah, pretty much. I bid my max if I know how things will go, but sometimes I poke around, bidding a little at a time.
So what are you selling, if I may ask?