Is Ebay getting a DNS Attack?

Is Ebay getting a DNS Attack?
Or tech issues?
Or the solar flare?
Logins are impoosible, at least for me.

Huh. I can’t log in either; I’m getting a “The connection was reset” error message.


It looks like it’s been downfor the last 2 hrs.

I don’t think it’s a DNS issue, internal problems. down as the auction giant continues to deal with technical woes

Back up now, it appears.


I was actually planning to sell some stuff today. After my third failure to connect, over the course of about 3 hours, I decided that that wasn’t going to happen today.

Well I just tried signing in again and was told by the “eBay trust team” :rolleyes: I had to reset my password. First time that’s happened since I opened my account there in 2001.

I bought my item elsewhere.