I’ve been getting a painful sensation on the top of my foot (two inches behind the big toe joint) whenever I run, jump or even wiggle my toe. Not too sure how I sustained this, though. However, this slight pain is accompanied by what I can only describe as a “crunchy” sensation (especially when I wiggle my toes on that foot). It can be felt by touching the area as well.
I’ll be going to the doc later this week anyway, but I’m just curious as to what this crunchy, bumpy feeling is all about. Any ideas?
Maybe you broke a small bone in your foot. I think it’s pretty easy to do, especially if you’re a runner. I had a girlfriend who had stress fractures a couple different times. Good thing you’re going to a doctor. I’m interested in hearing the outcome.
It could be gout. Your symptoms sound like those I had a few years ago. It can be very severe ( I thought I had broken a small bone ). If you are male I believe it is not as uncommon as you might think. Fortunately drugs ( eg Indomethacine) do seem to help considerably.
Just speaking from my experience I’m not a doctor.