
…you’re just so tired, you don’t care.

You don’t care how much you drink.

You don’t care if the kids have not had a balanced meal.

You don’t care if you need to lose some poundage.

You just don’t care.

Just sharing…carry on! LOL

As the Allman Brothers once said:

Sometimes I feel, sometimes I feel
Like I been tied to the whippin’ post
Tied to the whippin’ post
Tied to the whippin’ post
Good Lord, I feel like I’m dyin’.

Eilsel, I’m hearing you loud and clear, my friend, loud and f***ing clear!

Well, I was thinking of Whipping Post when I saw the thread title, and lo and behold, somebody beat me to it. :wink:

Just so I can make a music reference, this is a Santana tune. :slight_smile:

Sometimes. you feel like getting in your car…
and driving.
Maybe so far that you can’t come back.
Maybe so far that nobody wants you back.

Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don’t.

At times like that Eilsel, I like to listen to Fastball’s The Way. The haunting, dreamy quality of the song takes me away from it all when I just can’t/don’t want to care anymore. Plus, I envision that lead singer too. :wink: :smiley:

Hang in there hon.

I’ve been there for too long now. Very literally. Argh.

As pathetic as this sounds I’ve been listening to Unwell by Matchbox 20, trying to gather some hope from the part about “Stay awhile and maybe then you’ll see a different part of me”

Posted too soon… I’ll have you in my thoughts, I do hope things improve for you.



… you realize that your homicidal/suicidal urges are kept in check solely by your apathy.

… you find some very bizarre web-sites whilst in the grip of your apathy, and at least get a chuckle or two out of it all.

… you just wanna go to bed for a year or so.

Fortunately, sometimes…

… a couple hours sleep lets you cope, and get on with your life.

Well, everybody hurts sometimes
Everybody cries. And everybody hurts sometimes.
And everybody hurts sometimes. So, hold on, hold on.
Hold on, hold on. Hold on, hold on. Hold on, hold on.
(Everybody hurts. You are not alone.)

As usual, The Cure has an answer.

Just push it away
Fight fight fight
Just push until it breaks
Fight fight fight
Don’t cry at the pain

From “Fight”.

Yes, a night’s sleep sometimes can cure you…unless you wake up w/a big friggin headache lol.

So … “…I’m gonna pack my lunch in the mornin’ and go to work each day…and when the evening comes around, I’ll go on home and lay my body down. And when the morning light comes streamin’ in, I’ll get up and do it again…Amen.” So that means… “I’m gonna be a happy idiot and struggle for the legal tender”

Have a great day everyone! :slight_smile:

Be aggressive
B-e aggresive
Go, Fight, Go, Fight, Go, Fight, Go, Fight, Win

-Faith No More


I know I’m really old when I never heard of that artist and I think it’s a cheer. LOL