Songs about Hypnotism

This thread is inspired by the Flaming Lips’ “Are you a Hypnotist?”, from Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots:

I had forgiven you,
For trickin’ me—again.
But I have been tricked again,
Into forgiving you.

and They Might Be Giants’ “Hypnotist of Ladies” from Apollo 18:

He’s a hypnotist,
hypnotist of ladies . . .
You won’t remember why you liked him,
You won’t remember why you liked him.

What are some other songs about hypnotism, literal or figurative?

Well, crap. You named the only two I know.

How about Screamin’ Jay Hawkins’ “I Put A Spell On You”?

“Hypnotized” by Fleetwood Mac?

Hypnotized - The Undertones

I remember a song about Melvin Powers featured on MTV in the 1980s. It was either about him or one of his book titles, though it could have been more about positive thinking instead of hypnosis. Unfortunately, the name if the song and band escape me and I came up with nothing with a quick search.

Hypnotize by The White Stripes.

Hypnotize, by Notorious B.I.G.

There’s a reference in “You Do Something to Me.”

“we don’t need no thought control…”

The Flaming Lips:
Are You A Hypnotist?

I had forgiven you for tricking me again.
But I have been tricked again into forgiving you.
What is this?
Are you some kind of hypnotist?
Waving your powers around.
The sun eclipse behind the cloud.
Luscious Jackson:
Sexy Hypnotist

I’m a sexy hypnotist
lost on the strip
a sexy hypnotist
and I’ll bear it all
cause abs and buns are so much fun

Svengali made me repeat the OP with the Flaming Lips. I am in his power.