Anything by Korn. “Laid” by James. “Father of Mine” by Everclear. Anything by Kid Rock. “Wrong Way” by Sublime, yech. Anything by Limp Bizkit except “Re-arranged,” which is okay. “Closer” by Nine Inch Nails.
Er. We probably listen to different radio stations…
when I was in college (1972- 76), at one point I had neighbors in the dorm who would put a 45 (record, that’s the itty bitty one song black vinyl thing for you youngsters) on their “record player” (see notation) and leave the spindle up. For those of you too young to understand, what that means is that the record will play, end and then replay, as long as the electricity is pouring in. Hours, and hours on end, and the same record. Midnight at the Oasis. years later, the same song came on the car radio and I nearly ran off the road frantically grabbing at the radio knob…
Hands down, the most annoying song in the world to me is “Don’t Worry, Be Happy” by Bobby McFerrin. The man should be drawn, quartered, the pieces eaten by rabid wolverines, the dung from which should be irradiated thoroughly before being sent hurtling through the intergalactic void as penance for the composition and performance of that inane, annoyingly cheerful turd of a song.
There are too many to name. I actually spend more time changing the station than listening most of the time. However, there is one song that comes to mind over all others. My brother played it over and over while he was trying to learn it for his band. Yes - Owner of a Lonely Heart
For some reason “No Rain” by Blind Mellon is like nails on a chalkboard to me.
Squeeze’s “Tempted” was played to death at university, and now I just can’t listen to it.
Anything sung by Perry Ferrel (Jane’s Addiction, Porno for Pyros) sends me in a wild scramble for the knob. Also, about half of the Smashing Pumpkins oeuvre does the same. Something to do with Billy Corgan’s voice.
“The Bridge” by Red Hot Chili Peppers. I’ve never been all that fond of them to begin with, but this one inspires physical revulsion.
For some reason, my local “Top 40 plus the best of the previous 35 years” station has put Peter, Paul and Mary’s “I Dig Rock 'N Roll Music” into medium rotation for the last few months, and it’s driving me crazy. ***WHY?
I finally found out that the reason my local “Best of the 80’s, 90’s, and today” station has Tears For Fears’ “Everybody Wants to Rule the World” in medium rotation is because some VH-1 show is using it for their theme song. Okay, it’s a good song, I can live with that.
But every time I hear these 60’s folkies get to the part about “I dig…(ho ho)” it’s that ridiculous chortle coming from a middle-aged, balding left-over-from-the-50’s-coffeehouse-scene singer that make me yank the knob in a frenzy. From the tone of that chortle, you just know a major part of his sexual fantasy life deals with a “hippie chick” and “free love” and maybe even we could smoke some “Mary Jane”.
Oh, wring, you brought back such horrid memories. Midnight at the oasis, truly one of the songs that make me want to gouge out my eardrums with a Bic pen.
Similar experience; gastropod nextdoor in an apt with thin walls who fixated endlessly on Elton John’s Benny and the Jets. “B.b.b.b.benny…!”
My particular wreck-the-car-just-to-stop-the-song? Space Cowboy. Pompatus of love, lovey-dovey, lovey-dovey…oh my GOD, shoot me now.
Anything by Creed
“Closer by NIN” makes me physically ill. No really, it’s the bass beat or something; it honestly makes me sick to my stomach.
The radio station at work plays “Jack and Diane” by John Mellencamp at least once an hour. I am so sick of it now.
I think I have my reaction time down to just below two seconds – that’s how long it takes for the song to start on my car radio, for me to recognize it, and for me to hit a preset button for a different radio station.
That screeching sound is not a singing voice. How can it be possibly said that she actually sings that song if she hasn’t even got a voice?
She is the only artist who I can’t listen to at all. I’ll even put up with the Dixie Chicks. But not Macy.
I dont’ tempt fate and listen to the radio anymore, I’d be stuck on the side of the road, frantically pushing buttons hoping to find something.
Stairway to heaven; Aqualung; Jack and Diane (I don’t fucking CARE that you’re screwing, bastard!); anything Z106 plays in an hour, they’ve been playing the same shit for the last 20+ years.
It’s nice to know that I’m not the only one who cannot stand, cannot stand, I mean cannot stand “Jack and Diane”…I’m getting physically sick just thinking about it…the pain…jesus, what were they thinking playing that on the radio? And I’m soooo tired of Tom Petty…if I hear a Tom Petty song I switch to the classical station for 5 minutes or so…
Any sort of rap is grounds for changing stations unless I’m making fun of it. Also, any pop or top 40, unless I’m making fun of it. This is probably why I listen to talk radio and CDs.
anything by Oasis, especially Champagne Supernova. It’s bad enough the motherf%#ker sings like a clothespin is permanently clamped over his nostrils, but he can’t even pronounce the freakin title!!! "champagne supernovarin the sky…OH, it is the musical equivalent of someone continuously and sporadically prodding me in the arm with a long, not-well-manicured fingernail.
other than that, right now i particularly abhor that new Mystikal song “Shake ya thang! Watch yaself! Showmewachaworkinwith!”–the background music is not fit to be played at a kiddie carnival, and the guy rapping sounds like he’s having an incredibly hard time taking a shit.
and of course, who could forget “Jack and Diane.”
(if you do not hate that song, I will cut off your head and do bad stuff with it.)