Songs to kill a buzz

Nope. This calls for brass marching bands! John Philips Sousa for the win!

One of my teenage buddies made a tape of his girlfriend’s favorite song, so he could have it play over and over again while they made love. It was “Dust in the Wind” by Kansas. :eek:

I find that opera works well because it suggests that you are trying to relax.

Wagner would work because it’s the opposite of relaxing.

Chances are this does nothing positive (possibly provoking escalation), and will make you feel buzzkilled too, right?

Anyway, if you must, rather then buzzkill, just go straight to torture, and invest in noise cancelling headphones.

Play “The Meo Mix” theme on a loop, all day. The CIA uses this to torture people, no joke.

Klingon opera.

Which is proof that Mr Rogers was a CIA agent. He had that weird cat puppet that only spoke in meows.
[Jim Gaffigan] And they wonder why we do drugs.[/JG]

The Trial from Chick Corea’s album The Mad Hatter

Lou Reed’s Metal Machine Music. It’s what I play when I want people to go away, it usually works quite well.

“No one I know, including myself, has listened to it all the way through. It is not meant to be.”–Lou Reed, original liner notes to Metal Machine Music

We built this city. Sorry.

I don’t have time to follow untitled YouTube links, and suspect this may have already been suggested. “What’s New, Pussycat” played over and over forever, with “It’s Not Unusual” played once every eighteenth time or so.

But for me the nuclear option would have to be Zappa’s “Weasels Ripped My Flesh” (the track, not the album).

If we’re taking that road, how about Rubber Biscuit?

I saw the subject line and was about to say, “just about any Richard Thompson song.” Unfortunately, they don’t translate to loud very well, so that’s a no-go.

I do have a playlist of RT songs that I will start at the end of a too-long evening when I want people to leave. It begins with “The End of the Rainbow” and segues into truly depressing.

Buncha years ago I lived in a ground floor apartment with a nice little swath of lawn outside my kitchen window. This was right next to the Seattle Center, and there typically was a lot of activity out there on the day of a major event, but it was usually just transitory stuff like people getting out of their cars and getting their stuff ready to head over.

Then one day, the Jerry Garcia Band came. People were sprawled out on blankets and sleeping bags and clearly set up for the duration. The loss of privacy was bad enough, but worse was the loud music. I lived with two hardcore Deadheads one year in college and I was thoroughly sick of it.

My solution? Skinny Puppy’s *Too Dark Park *album on repeat at high volume. Worked a treat!

Yes, John Mulaney has the formula to drive people insane. Comedy routine in question.

Actually, it was released in a remastered version. Not only did the mastering engineer have to listen to the whole album many times, two other people had to check the mastering engineers work.

None of these people are paid well enough.

This is bordering on cruel and unusual punishment.

The Pina Colada song is unsufferable when repeated.

Good Lord. Winner.

Damn, I love this idea.

When I read the OP, I thought they were young hippie stoners, and I thought of getting a loud hailer (same as a bullhorn, I believe), and making announcements.
Ooh, maybe like you’re a really un-fun summer camp:

"Okay, tonight’s work detail will be picking up gum wrappers from a five mile stretch of the highway. And the campers in Luke’s cabin, that’s Red Five, will be cleaning up around that exhaust port… yes, General, we talked about that, it’s a mess down there, and the cover doesn’t even stay closed. Fred’s cabin will be marching…Fred, stop bothering Ethel…marching to Shibboleth… Ethel, you’re not helping, put that down… and breaking rocks in the… hot sun. Fred, stop it! Now you’re back on the chain gang.
“All right? Now, everyone, don’t forget to be back here for the Ever Splendifourous In Its Primitive Savagery pageant, as we recreate the gruesome bloody deaths of the Unwanted Music People at the hands of the ancient Tribe of The Put Upon, or Xihuanacanos. Literally translated as The people of We’re Not Going To Take It Anymore”… [deafening feedback buzz]

Better yet, Lou Reed’s The Kids. Music to commit suicide by.

If that doesn’t do it, howabout some Brazilian psychodelia?