I’ve got a Sony Cybershot Digital Camera and am still using the measly 32mb memory stick that came with it. I’ve had them about two years now and suddenly I’m getting ‘memory stick error’ whenever I turn on the camera, which of course serves to prevent me from taking any pictures.
The troubleshooting guide suggets that either my memory stick is incorrectly inserted (it’s not), incorrectly formatted (nope, checked that) or the memory stick is ‘dirty’.
The stick has not left the inside of the camera since I first inserted it. It came correctly formatted and worked fine for two years and upon checking the options it seems I am unable to re-format it in any way. The camera has not been in excessive use, in fact it is probably only used to take 4-5 pictures a month and maybe a few short video shots per year.
I am left to come to the conclusion that the stick must, indeed, be dirty. Though I’m not sure how that could happen from inside the camera - to an extent that would stop the stick working. Plus when I took it out for some serious CSI: Buckler’s Camera episodes, it didn’t even look dusty, let alone dirty (yes I am aware it will probably be mini-dirt that I am hardly able to see).
Does anyone have
a) any ideas about what ELSE could possibly be the problem?
b)if not, any ideas about how I can go about cleaning the wretched thing?
Do I really have to go out an buy a whole new memory stick? [/cheapskate]