Soon you shall call me master

MBA – Master of Bein’ Awesome!

Just kidding, It’s a degree in IT Management.

You’ve got a Master’s in “have you already turned it off and back on again”? :wink:

Master’s in “that’ll be due back in three weeks”


If thats ok with you I.G of course…!

Look I only said that cos my friends were watching, I didn’t mean it.

I’ll give you my lunch money when they’ve gone.

I’m already fairly proficient in that part of the job, Knead, hopefully I can parlay the degree into a position where I am more of a “relationship manager” for the team.

I’m not going to take your lunch money, Lust4Life. I like your name, it reminds me of the best, jazziest song about heroin addiction that’s used for cruise ship advertisements that I’ve ever heard.