Sopranos: 3/26 (Open Spoilers)

Well T is awake. At first I was worried he might have brain damage but it looks he’ll be back to his temperamental self next week.

Vito and Paulie are a couple of complete weasels, especially Vito. Did you see the look of disappointment on Vito’s face when he found out Tony was awake? And who is he kidding with that “Now without the weight, I’m healthy” stuff?

Poor Sil just is not cut out to be the boss. He’s genetically engineered to be a perfect number 2 guy and that’s all he’ll ever be.

I liked Christopher trying talk a little sense into AJ.

I’m glad they didn’t stretch out the coma/dream stuff any more than two weeks. I want to see Tony back giving orders and chewing asses next week.

Yeah, but I don’t think he’s unhappy with that. He knows where he should be. I loved the bit in the bathroom, where you could just tell all the little nitpicking bs was getting to him.

Yup, Paulie’s goin down.

GREAT Steve Buscemi cameo.

So, last week it seemed like Tony had no accent (no NJ accent) and that Carmela had none (on the phone, I’m assuming it was her) early on, but it came back towards the end. Was I imagining that?


Just a great episode. There’s an awful lot to digest there.

From the monk’s basically telling him to accept responsibility or he is going to hell, to Tony’s option of passing into the afterlife (I guess he was in purgatory after all).

I liked it when Carmela was speaking with Melfi. She used an identical line from Goodfellas (Melfi played the wife to one of the mobsters in that flick) to discuss how she felt about Tony.

Also, there does not appear to be one redeemable person in this entire show. They’re pretty much all bastards.

Great show though!

I don’t think so. I think it was supposed to indicate that Tony was getting closer to consciousness and stuff was starting to filter into the dream more. Plus, it’s just realistic for dreams to be wildly inconsistent that way.

I LOVED that it was Paulie’s voice annoying the crap out of Tony that kicked him into V-tach. I saw the numbers going up and said to my husband “look, even unconscious, Paulie pisses him off.” :stuck_out_tongue:

How much money did they find in the dishwasher? I thought they said it was a million, but it looked like more. And was Vito coming on to Finn or just threatening him?

As Carmela was taking Paulie into see Tony, I was thinking that Paulie could say something to Tony that would piss him off so much he’d wake up. Paulie’s just that kind of guy. I like the way the handled the end of Tony’s dream/waking up.

I think Vito’s going down before Paulie. Vito was gunning for Tony’s job, whereas Paulie’s just a cheap bastard. He just pulled off a big score, and they show him clipping coupons.

I’d say coming on to him. Last season after Finn saw Vito giving the security guard a blow job, Vito invited him to a Mets game. I think Vita has a crush on Finn.

David Chase said in an interview that the woman on the phone speaking to Tony Soprano/Kevin Finnerty was just a generic voice. It wasn’t the voice of anyone who had been in the show.

I can’t believe Dr. Melfi was seeing Carmela. Ethically impossible. I hope that was a dream sequence because I could not suspend disbelief.

Earlier Tony and Carmella saw Dr. Melfi in a joint session. There’s no problem with her seeing Carmella alone.

I don’t think Paulie is going down. Like somebody said in an earlier the thread, he will be fighting it out with the cockroaches after the apocolypse.

I am surprised at how quikly Silvio folded.

Didn’t she refer Carmella to another Dr. due to ethical concerns?

Great episode. I loved how they worked the real life with the dream. Paulie annoying Tony in the dream was fabulous :). Really nice apperance by Buscemi there, trying to get Tony to come up to heaven.

I think Vito is gone at some point this season. Gunning for Tony’s job, being sad when Tony is ok, looking sad in the elevator when Carm looked back. And he’s going to try to take Meadow’s boyfriend! :wink: Though I think Paulie is safe… he’s Paulie.

At least we know if Tony goes away, Sil won’t be in charge.

not ethically impossible - in fact very beneficial for both people in a relationship to see the same therapist since therapy styles vary greatly
second (third? fourth?) loved the bit about Paulie irritating Tony into some kind of action and that it echoed in the dream as well. The shadowy figure in the doorway of the inn (I know Nancy Marchon is dead but) was that supposed to be Tony’s mother?

Good episode.

Was the person he caught just a glimpse of in the entrance to the house supposed to be his mother? Definitely a good cameo by Buscemi.

Vito is going down this season, and I don’t just mean on a security guard. rimshot Way too ambitious. The scene with Finn was terrific. I think he both loves and hates Finn. Maybe “lusts for” is a better term than “love”. And if Tony were out of the picture, then Finn has no protection at all. Right now he’s pretty safe as the boyfriend of the daughter of the Boss.

Last week, when Vito gave his memorable line, Janice gave him a rather interesting look. That could have been done just to underline the joke, but if anyone on the show has working gaydar it’s Janice. She has experience in all manner of things relating to sex. (Regarding Ralphie: “He likes to bottom from the top.” “I don’t even know what that means.”) She also has a strong motive to get Vito out of the way. With Vito gone, Bobby’s star rises at least a little.

The subplot with Christopher’s old rehab buddy seemed pretty random at first. After some thought, I think it’s actually rather obvious. They were discussing a guy who dies, gets cut up into pieces, then gets reformed in order to take revenge against those who had done him harm. Duh! Tony has “died”, had his identity cut up and analyzed, and apparantly reformed (possibly with some alteration or missing piece). One of his souls may be missing. It remains to be seen what kind of revenge he may take on those who plotted against him.

I liked Christopher talking to AJ. It had a real “big brother” feel to it. However, I don’t think AJ is smart enough to really grasp the message. Even if Carmella has removed all the guns from the house, AJ will find one somehow. I think that in a near-future episode we’ll see him get a gun, and we’ll be left wondering whether he’ll get a chance to use it.

Speaking of that… there is no way Carm has removed all of the guns from the house. Tony probably has some hidden away very good… though even saying that, she must have emptied an arsenal ;).

No, I’m pretty sure it was a thinly disguised statement on Christopher’s life. “He takes revenge on everyone…including his ex girlfriend who cheated on him with his boss.”
He accused Ad of having sex with Tony, and still isn’t convinced it didn’t happen.

I loved Chris giving AJ the “onion-head”. That’s what I picture an older, seasoned mobster doing. I think it was Live on the Sunset Strip where Richard Pryor talked about working for a mob club and getting the same treatment. Pretty funny.

It was cool to see Chris in that position, because I still kind of consider him a kid, even though he’s a captain now.

I also think Chris was out of line telling Tony about the movie thing, instead of asking. Tony was too fucked up to think properly, and will probably get pissed and put the ixnay on that pretty soon.

“I think you owe me… for Aide” (or something)

Ouch… not smart by Chris. You are absolutely right, Eleusis. Tony will remember that.