SoundEdit 16??

Once my day-to-day operating system was System 7, and when I wanted to digitize some audio I cranked up ol’ reliable Macromedia SoundEdit 16. Eventually, Apple created MacOS 8 and SoundEdit 16 was one of the few programs that didn’t make the transition well. The old machine at home has two hard drives, so I left 7.6 on one (to boot from to run SoundEdit) and put 8 on the other.

And the world moved on and I bought a PowerBook that runs 10 times faster than the old machine, and I love it, but it doesn’t boot old operating systems like System 7, and I looked around and realized that I had never heard of the finally-arriving update to SoundEdit 16 that would make it OS-8 compatible.

What the hell did Macromedia do, can the product entirely? Meld it with other stuff so that its features are now embedded in something else (what?)?

In the absence of SE, what do I buy to do fades and easy selection (for copy, delete, etc) and filters like echo and reverb and removal of hiss and equalization and flange and so on? I’ve got simple shareware stuff that lets me digitize audio and trim pieces off of an existing file to save as something else, but that’s about it. (I just tried booting with every conceivable extension and control panel turned off, but SoundEdit just sticks its tongue out at 8).

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Replying to myself to push post back to the top. Someone, anyone?

Well, I haven’t checked out mac software in a while. But macromedia still lists SoundEdit 16 on their web page (and they say it works with System 7.1 or higer).

I didn’t see a version number, so it may still be the old version.

Theres also something called Sound Studio (check, mac/multimedia/audio i think) that may be good enough.