I didn’t see any comments on this week’s episode, and I did do a search on the threads…
-So, Kyle has a cousin named… Kyle! Okay, I admit it, I liked the ‘Jewish stereotype’ gag, but I thought it could’ve been funnier (maybe if they played up the stereotypes even more, or something).
-Notice that Mr. Garrison’s first name was mentioned (and I’ve forgotten it already). Oh boy, the operation of his “It” invention tells you more about Garrison than you ever, EVER wanted to know!
- They did the ‘strange reporter’ gag for the first time in ages! This time it was a “Hispanic man with a gravy stain on his lapel.”
-Love the whole airport line-up… funny 'cause it’s so very, very true!
-Kenny’s death seemed kinda lame…
-Half-decent episode, but could’ve been a lot funnier IMHO. I think the show might have ‘jumped the shark’ when all the regular female characters lost their voice (R.I.P., Mary Kay). I’d wager it still has a few laughs left in it, though.