SPAM lovers unite! I ate a can of SPAM tonight

Okay, not the actual can, but the entire contents.

I made frozen ramen and always like SPAM with it. Started cutting slices, I usually eat half the can, but thought…Why not keep going?..and sliced and ate it all. Delish!

Hot & Spicy with Tabasco of course?

A dinner of Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Ramen, and Spam.


Nah…I’m a purist. :yum:

That’s a lot of SPAM. You’ve got your sodium requirement fulfilled for the next few days, I’m sure.

And fat and calories!

But I feel fin…ACK! Punches heart! …fine! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Edit: Thinking about it, I had ramen last week too. 1/2 the can then and rest of the can earlier this week!

Spam Lite (lower sodium and fat) is almost exactly the same as regular Spam. It’s the tiniest bit denser, but unless you do a side by side taste test you won’t even notice.

Interesting. I tried Lite once because I bought it by accident and found the texture to be too mushy. Especially since I don’t fry it when I eat it with ramen.

I love the stuff. When my wife goes to visit her mom, I get an can and fry it up.

It’s been months since I made Spam Musubi. Mmmm, I love it. Always spell it wrong, but love it.

The can is there to hold in the spam

I haven’t had Spam in a while. Will have to add to my grocery list for tomorrow morning.

But last week I did buy a few cans of Underwood deviled ham :slight_smile: for some sandwiches. I used to love that stuff as a kid.

I’ve shared this before.

One of dad’s ‘specialties’ was SPAM® salad sandwiches. He’d often have to cajole people into trying them. One they did, the were like, ‘That’s good! Do you have any more?’

Grind a tin of SPAM® in your meat grinder. Mix with Miracle Whip and sweet pickle relish. Put it into the fridge to chill for half an hour. Serve between slices of soft white bread.

And yes, I said Miracle Whip. SPAM® is salty and greasy. Mayonnaise is salty and oily. If you use mayonnaise, the mixture will be too salty, oily, and heavy. Miracle Whip is sweet and not oily, so it counterbalances the saltiness and greasiness of the SPAM®. This is about the only thing I use Miracle Whip for. (The other thing is potted meat sandwiches, which are similar.)

As for the bread, I don’t eat soft white bread. I pretty much only eat low-carb multi-grain bread. SPAM® salad is good on that too, though Wonder Bread® is ‘traditional’.

Historical note (my history, not SPAM’s): When I was in fifth grade (c. 1959) I went through about a two-week period when I was afraid to go to school. If I did go, I got sick and my mother had to come and get me. The only thing I could eat during that time without throwing up was SPAM and canned peaches. <shrug> You’d think the fattiness of the SPAM would make it hard to keep down-- although the SPAM of 60 (WTF!! :scream:) years ago might have been less fatty. Or maybe it was the high salt content that made it tolerable to my system.

Maybe I will pick up a can of SPAM and see how it tastes to me now.

Epilog (channeling Quinn Martin): My mother didn’t know anything about psychologists, so she just let me stay home and after a while I went back to school with no comment. Life was simpler then.

I had an acquaintance in grade school who got headaches and stayed home from school. A teacher noticed that the headaches were on days when there were quizzes or tests. Psychologists were called in.

Fast forward 2 years. He eventually was diagnosed with a brain tumor, had surgery, died shortly thereafter. Freaked me tf out.

When I was a starving student many years ago, we would make a fry-up of spam and sliced potatoes. Fried until the potatoes are nicely browned and the spam has a good crunchy crust on the outside.
Ah, meal fit for a king! Those were the days…

Absolutely best when cooked like gyros, carving off slices as they brown. I do it when I’m camping and even sometimes on my gas grill. You can line up four or five cans of it on a single skewer or stick.

I’ve tried it in a convection oven and an air fryer. Not quite the same.

That was my lunch every day through grade school, and into high school: a deviled ham sandwich.

I still have it from time to time, as a quick-to-make lunch, especially now that I’m almost entirely working from home. Very nostalgic.

I mentioned potted meat. It’s similar to deviled ham, but cheaper. (They have it at the dollar store.)

I don’t actually know what’s in it.

I was (almost) with you until you mentioned Miracle Whip®, Satan’s spread.

*Miracle Whip ingredients: Water, Soybean Oil, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Vinegar, Modified Cornstarch, Off-Beige Food Dye, Eggs, Salt, Natural Flavor, Invented Flavor, Mustard Flour, GMOs, Potassium Sorbate as a Preservative, Paprika, Spice (but we won’t tell you which one), more GMOs, Ground-Up Armadillo Tails, Dried Garlic.