The predictable dreck that is Live Earth finally made good one of my earliest predictions…the use of adorable kids to impart their knowledge of what is best for our planet.
Just before 2:30 EST there was a commercial - I guess it wasn’t really a commercial at all, but anyway - with close ups of precocious youngsters pontificating about what global warming is. My GOD how did these children get to be so WISE?
Conveniently there were children of sufficient intelligence and photogenenic prowess of diverse backgrounds available to shoot this spot.
A nerdy looking white kid explains how the green house gases wrap the earth in a blanket, a glass-eyed asia girl looks concerned as she tells us that our society today is causing the problem (she bites her lip in worry). A little black girl informs us that this isn’t good for human beings (big pause…) she looks into the camera and says “like me.”
I predicted this saccharine approach, down to the background music…spare tinkling piano in a minor key.
Sorry I have to run. I can hear the band on the TV in the other room and he said today they are making history. I have got to see it! I think they are…PLAYING MUSIC!
Spare me the doe-eyed children pontificating on global warming
I had to put up with that ‘wisdom of children’ crusade Bush put on after the events of 9/11, so you’ve got to put up with it when it’s used by your enemies.
Anything less would be unfair.
Clearly, the people who are putting on Live Earth, as evidenced by your two whiny threads you have started on the subject in the last couple of hours. Just turn off your damn TV and take a walk or something.
I don’t care who’s trying to push what agenda. The use of earnest cutesy kids in schmaltzy commercials to ask why I won’t think of them makes me want to roll my eyes so thoroughly that they might get stuck that way. Ugh. Probably just simpler to throw a brick through my TV and go for a walk, though.
It’s bad enough when the juvenile save-the-earth crowd appears on radio public service announcements.
While addressing climate change is on my list of environmental concerns, when I hear these programmed little turds going on about what I need to do, it makes me feel like jumping in my (nonexistent) Hummer and storming down the Interstate at 90 mph, squashing Bambi and doing triumphant wheelies as I go.
The producers of these spots need to consider the backlash effect.
Same here. It doesn’t matter if I happen to agree with whatever agenda they are selling. Besides the cutesinesss, it bothers me that the kids are almost certainly being used. Oh, in this case and some others, they are in the right; they are the ones who’ll pay the price for our actions. Thing is, that’s not why they are doing stuff like this; they are just serving as mouthpieces for adults, as tools.
The peturnaturally wise child got old about 15 minutes after Dune was published. And, oh yeah, that was fiction. No more faux Alia marketing tools, thanks. The Zoom-Zoom kid is first against the wall when the AdBusters revolution comes
On the news last night coverage of the event featured some cute preteen attendee earnestly saying in extreme close-up, “Our earth rocks. If we destroy it we will have no where to live.” I laughed.
Later footage showed one of the acts telling the audience, “We have to protect the planet, it’s the only one we’ve got.”
It was only then that I understood the depth of their intellectual commitment.
In all fairness, the children should be a helluva lot more worried about the way we’re wrecking the planet than us old fogeys. I’ve got about 40, 45 years left in me, and I think things will stay together for that long. 80 more years? I don’t know about that. Poor little shits. (This was serious sarcasm, for anyone wondering.)