Speaking of boards having bad days – Pyrot-no Mountain?

As Jerry and the techs work on this site, I note that I have been unable to get into Pyroto Mountain since yesterday afternoon. I keep getting told:

I know there are some Wizards and other Pyrotians on the SDMB. Does anybody know what’s up?

I have NO idea. I can’t get in either, and I know Biggirl (Maya on Pyroto) can’t get in. I’m glad someone else is having problems…at first I was wondering if my office blocked it. :slight_smile:

I know Tim posts here occassionally…maybe he’ll see the thread and give some answers.

Well his software company’s e-mail address anyway. If he gives me any information I’ll post it here.

twiddling thumbs

Um, OK so now what do I do? I’d post here if I could get a “Cecil liked that one. Ed agrees.” message after.


Somehow, I am reminded of the old Universal Studios Mummy movies wherein some handsome young High Priest (played by Turhan Bey or John Carradine or Peter Coe) is entrusted with the awesome power and responsibility of Mummy-care.

He does a fine, careful job, spooning out the tanna leaves, overseeing the murder of Egyptologists, and moving threads to MPSIMS.

Then, one day…the High Priest is TEMPTED by a hot, chesty young Egyptian-American Princess, or a Pyroto Mountain website…and he turns the Awesome Power with which he has been entrusted to his own uses…

Ok, here’s what I’ve heard from several on my e-mail list. The second version is about to come out, and its probably going through a test run. We haven’t seen anything on the announcements ether, nor on Mountain Alerts, so it could be that the server got struck by lightning :). Lets hope not.

In the words of a fellow wizard, “I’m going through withdrawal. I feel the urge to dress up in a pointy hat and my bathrobe.”

Sorry Ukulele Ike, on Pyroto Manny has no “Awesome Power”, or at least he hasn’t achieved High Priest status there yet.

Tis a shame, I think he would look real swell in a Magenta Robe.


[sup]Uke Ike: Shhhh. I’m really on a secret mission. Cecil sent me in to go get Bricker and make him post* Bricker Challenges* again. The Big Guy loved ‘em, and he’s tired of all the post count parties. So I’m taking a hit for the team. I’m only telling this to you. Turns out that if I’m caught, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of my actions.[/sup]

Ahem. Where was I. Yeah, Pyroto is pretty cool. Um, yeah, that’s it. That’s what I was saying. I hope they fix it soon.

How many times have I told Bricker how much we miss him here? And that I want him to father my already born children?

Manny, your the manhattan I’ve been seeing around lately? I was going to ask, but I didn’t want to incite Soup into his Teeming Millions sniffing routine.

Yeah, I’m suffering from withdrawal.

Hey, you know I can always be found at GQ, folks! Admittedly, I have pretty much only been targetting the legal questions, but life’s been busy.

I, too, am baffled on Pyroto’s non-availablity… although secretly relieved in a way, because I am beginning to dislike the Soup-enviroment on Paz and the fact that I helped bring him there is even more distressing.

Ah, well. Maybe Phase II is waiting in the wings, or maybe James forgot to send a check to the ISP this month. I have had no response to my e-mails, and calls go directly to voice mail.

So, in short… dunno.


  • Rick

Maybe Soup has found a way to keep the Teeming Millions of the Mountains so he can rule with an iron fist, like in the old days.

Did you know there is a poster here who goes by the username Soup?

That’s OK, there’s an AmbushBug here too, just in case :cool:

BTW, my first post.


So what are you doing with all your extra free time since you can’t play Pyroto?


And where have you been on Pyroto? Not that I’ve been exactly “active” as of late. I can’t wait for II to come out - I’ve been getting bored, sorry to say. I need a new gig in Pyroto. Any suggestions anyone?

Munch - who just got “Cecil liked that one. Ed agrees.” Damn that’s good.

Ambushbug! Welcome to the inner sanctum of Teeming Millions’ power! :slight_smile:

Rhiannon - I actually have been incredibly busy at work - I am running a contract now that has hit some snags, and we are all working to bail out the boat, so to speak… fourteen hour days are not uncommon. :frowning:

  • Rick

Rick you are still working on that project from hell you mentioned before, how awful. Also, aren’t you busy with wedding plans as well?

If you want to take a break from playing, go right ahead, your harem will still be there for you.

AmbushBug, have you been lurking for a while or did you just decide to pop by? Invite your other team members, the more the merrier.
[sub]Even Mr. Gene, I think he would fit right in with the posters in the Pit.[/sub]

Harem?..Harem?..Damn, I knew I should have kept playing. sigh…so anyways, where are ya’ll at level-wise? I was a lowly 140 something when work got too busy for me to play. Last I took a look, most of you were close to 500 or so.

Hell, we should get soulrift over here… :slight_smile: (After all, I am his bitch-girl.) Anyways, welcome, AmbushBug!

As for level…I was a 512, and then I went off and travelled a bit with soulrift and Jekyl, so I’m now only a level 256. Poor me…

I was only able to play once before the Great Outage. I was level 8 and I was logged in at some ungodly hour of the morning so I had no one to talk to. Oh the horror.

Word from Tim is (through DigitalMan) that “the problem is being worked on. Sorry for the inconvenience”.

Oh well. Looks like a technical problem. Those guys should have it up and running in no time.

Sounds alot like what ever message DigitalMan received. Munch, do you really think Pyroto will be up and running in no time? It doesn’t sound to me like they no what is causing it. And since Tim isn’t in the same city as the server, I don’t think he would be too busy to give a more specific reply if it is just a technical issue.

But then again I’m probably just being pessimistic.
