I was kind of curious why the speed of the boards has slowed way down today. Early this morning everything was fine, but all during the day, it takes 2 to 3 minutes every time I click on a new post or board. I know it is not my connection because every other site I go to is normal.
I think your sig explains it all, myself. <g>
Couple of things going on here.
First off, as the Internet Traffic Report will tell you, one of the Chicago routers listed has been nearly dead for almost a week. That has to have some impact on the situation.
We’re also having trouble with the vB system; ever since the upgrade our server has had difficulty handling the demand put upon it. The techs are trying to get a handle on the situation but it’s definitely a problem and one that is not resolving easily.
Add in the usual demands on the Net as a whole and the usual slowdowns and bottlenecks and you wind up with everybody having trouble and being miserable.
Sorry for the inconvenience, we’re all suffering here.
your humble TubaDiva