Spelling of an English place name


Menzies is pronounced Mingus.

More like mingies, or shortened to Ming. I remember Menzies Campbell, one-time leader of The Liberal Democrat Party. Just to add confusion, Campbell is pronounced kamble

Well, if we’re crossing the border, try Kirkcudbright, Kirkcaldy and Kingussie.

I’ve never heard Campbell pronounced any other way.

I had a high school math teacher who pronounced his name distinctly as “camp bell” with a very clear articulation of the MP and clear separation of the P and B. But he was an oddball in more than one way.

I understand John Taliaferro Thompson (inventor of the Chicago typewriter) pronounced his middle name “Tolliver”.

“Vowels for Wales!” was a joke amongst SCA heralds some years back. One response was “Take some from the Irish – they don’t know how to use them right.”

I’d buy that for a dollar!


To an American there probably isn’t going to be much air between our Mingus and your Mingies. Many of us would pronounce “Mingus” very close if not identical to “Mingiss.”

As I hear it, more like “Mingiez”

Yeah. This American would read “Mingies” as ending with an -eez sound. Like “thingies.” I don’t think any American would say “thingiss.”

And I would read it as “min - jeez,” though I am not entirely sure why. Of course, I also read “gif” as “jiff.”

Because choosy kamells choose Jif.